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A car insurance premium is the amount of money paid to an insurance company for a 6 month period. It is cheaper to pay the full premium that pay each month.

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Q: What is a car insurance premium?
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Related questions

What is gross premium car insurance?

Gross Premium is the Total premium indicated to be charged.

What is the average premium for md car insurance?

In 2009 the average auto insurance premium for residents in Maryland is $2,295.

If you hit the garbage can with your car will the insurance company increase your premium?


Can you be added to your parent's car insurance?

Yes, it is possible to be added to your parent's car insurance, but there may be an extra premium to be payed.

Can you get car insurance on your car without a drivers license?

Yes, insurance is designed to protect the car as well as a driver. If you are not driving it at all, then the insurance premium should be lower.

Which of the following affects one's car insurance premium?

Age of the driver.

Does insurance cost more on new car than old?

Yes, if you take out collision and comprehensive insurance. The more the car is worth the higher the insurance premium.

What companies in Ohio offer car insurance for bad drivers?

You can get a free quote for you car insurance from Simply select your state and fill out the application. If you have had a car accident before, or you are likely to have an accident, your premium may be higher, so you might want to choose an insurance company with a lower premium.

How can you get car insurance coverage without paying full year premium after cancellation?

They refund you the remainder of the premium not used for the year.

What is the cost of the premium of auto insurance?

Insurance premium costs vary by a number of factors, location, age, driving record, model and make of car. You need to check locally

Will car insurance premium increase if you pay a premium renewal one day late?

Usually not. However, insurance companies can charge late or reinstatement fees if you pay late.

If my car was keyed and file a police report then file an insurance claim will my premium go up?

In most cases, a premium will not go up over a scratched car.