That is what you are paying monthly is your insurance premiums. You have a choice of payment plans that are best for you. You can pay it once a year or one a month.
A premium is the amount of money you pay the auto/health insurance company monthly, quarterly, or biannually whether or not you get in an accident or go to the hospital. The higher your premium the lower your deductible, and the lower your premium the higher your deductible. A deductible is the amount of money after you get in a car accident or visit the hospital before your insurance company pays anything. After you have met your deductible the insurance company covers the rest of the expenses.
A car insurance premium is the amount of money paid to an insurance company for a 6 month period. It is cheaper to pay the full premium that pay each month.
Health insurance premiums are the amount of money you pay to an insurance company in exchange for coverage. The premium is usually paid monthly and is based on factors like your age, health status, and the type of coverage you choose. If you have a lower premium, you may have higher out-of-pocket costs when you need medical care. If you have a higher premium, you may have lower out-of-pocket costs.
That would depend on the employer. You'd have to go to them to ask, the insurance company doesn't receive the premium and doesn't know how much the employer charges in premiums. Usually, the premium money doesn't even end up with the insurance company at all. Most employers actually pay all the claims out of their own funds. The insurance company does the work of this and does get paid an adminstration fee, but the money that goes to the dr's and hospitals is coming out the employer's bank account.
Both terms relate to insurance, but mean different things. A deductible is the amount of money that the insured has to pay toward a covered occurrence before the insurer's obligation to pay anything is triggered. For example, if an auto policy had a $250 collision deductible, the insured would be responsible for the first $250 in repair costs; the insurer would pay the rest. The theory is the same in the case of health insurance. A premium is the amount of money that the insured pays in return for insurance coverage. In other words, it is the price of the policy. It is generally payable on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual basis.
basic premium
When you get insurance on a car, a house, a boat, you pay the insurance company money, known as premiums. The insurance company invests that money. When there is a claim, some of the premium, along with some of the interest from the invested money, is used to pay the claim.
i got all of yo money
A. You pay less money for insurance coverage B. You are less likely to change insurance companies
Return of premium term insurance deals with the ability to get your money back if you cancel mid-term. Most companies will give a pro-rata return.
single premium life insurance: Single premium life insurance is a form of life insurance that's paid with one upfront lump-sum premium. Once you've purchased a single premium policy, you would receive a permanent death benefit that extends until you die.
Premium diversion is the embezzlement of insurance premiums. It is the most common type of insurance fraud. Generally, an insurance agent fails to send premiums to the underwriter and instead keeps the money for personal use.