Give us the year, make, model and engine size, you may not even have a carburetor.
Well, I know when a tire on my car needs to be replaced when there is no tread left on it. What are YOU referring to
If you are asking this question then your car probably needs an emission test
Ask it
The engine is fuel injected so it doesn't have a carburetor
When performance and fuel mileage decrease.
when i put my car i reverse or drive it pulls hard or when it's changing gear
A Mercedes 190e doesn't have a carburetor. They are fuel injected.
If your radiator isnt leaking and car is having a over heating problem and coolant spewing out. Chances are your thermostat needs replaced. possible the radiator needs to be flushed. But more likley its thermostat
If it has so much dust in it you can't put in the CD.
The steering wheel will malfunction I would guess...
No. It is quite dangerous but first he/she needs to know how to ride the bicycle and/or the car.
The bank needs to know the borrower is deceased. I do not know if they would transfer the loan to you. Make sure your car insurance is also paid up.