It varies depending on how far the petrol station is from the refinery and from other competing petrol stations, but the cheapest is around £1.16 a litre (£5.28 per UK gallon - around $10.50).
Average price was about £1.75 per gallon.
well it went up buy like 35 cents but in otha cities it went up 5 $ and dats so dam high.... for an example this is my opinion : who df will pay 5 bucks for some freakin gas?!?!??!/1 i believe NO1
Depends where you are ! Here in the UK - the average price is around 5.00 GBP (or 6.54 USD) per gallon
The average price of a gallon of petrol in the UK is now £4.80.
I passed my driving test in 1993, and in the UK I distinctly remember the price of unleaded petrol around 44 - 46p! Its trippled since!!
In the UK, 1.20 a liter equates to about 5.45 per UK gallon.
In the UK diesel is sold in litres not gallons and at present (May 2008) it is being sold at between £1.10 and £1.35 per litres depending on location. In terms of price per gallon, 1 US gallon = 3.7 litres, so at best that's over £4.00 per gallon, and in reality, you are more likely to pay nearer to £4.50.. And with current exchange rates that works out at a staggering USD 9.00 per gallon. You can search for current diesel prices in the US at -free.
Expect to pay somewhere between $6 and $9 per gallon in Irelend. A similar price exists in most of the UK. Nobody is complaining about it there as they have been paying well over $5 per gallon for many many years.
You need to know the price per gallon and also the miles per gallon your car can achieve. Then the cost per mile is the dollars per gallon divided by the miles per gallon. The answer is in dollars per mile (in the UK use pounds instead). So with fuel at $1 per gallon, and car that does 20 mpg, the fuel cost is $1 / 20 per mile, or 5 cents per mile.
That depends on which country you are buying the petrol, in the UK the price per litre is currently £1.03 (27th Aug 09)
277.4 cubic inches per UK gallon.
petrol averages £1.35 per litre (2.21 USD = 1 gallon at 10.04) diesel averages £1.40 per litre (2.29 USD = 1 gallon at 10.41 USD)