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To clarify: provided that the other laws regarding repossession are complied with, the time of day is irrelevant. It might be more accurate to say that there is no ILLEGAL time of day to repo a car.

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Q: Is there a legal time of day to repo a car?
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Can your car be repo after 38 day's?

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What is the amount of days you have to be past due on a car payment to be considered for a repo?

It is done in time not money i.e. days late.Generally 30-45 days late triggers a repo but they can repo after one day late.

What is the legal course that must be followed by a lender repossessing a car?

After repossession the lender must send a letter telling you where the car is how much is owed on the car and where it can\d be redeemed. This letter must be sent within 5 day after the repo

If they repo your car after one day late how does it appear on your credit report?

as a repossession

But once filed in Magistrate do you get a chance to answer or will you have to surrender car the same day?

the repo man come and repo my car the police made him bring the car back because he didn't have a signed consent from magistrate after going to magistrate will I have a chance to answer the dispository or will the car be repoed the same day

Will a repo man wait outside your house for you all day or night to see if you move your car from the garage?

Probably not all the time, but you will never know when he is there. Simpler to just pay up or let them take the car. Why deal with the hassle. It will not ruin your credit forever. Yes and no. it depends on how determined he is or how much he is getting paid to repo your car. He might just wait until he spots your car on the street and bam! Gone... He might even break into your garage or get a warrant to repo the car from the courts. Depends on what kind of guy he is... So pay the bill and it won't get repo-ed.

Can a dealership repo a car if ther car is financed and they have all the money?

If you have failed to make even one payment on time, even if it's late by only one day, technically they can pursue repossession.

In Washington state How long do you have before they can come repo your car?

One day late. I live and own 2 repo companies in Washington. Sorry, but that is the law.

Can a car be repossesed on a bank holiday?

Yes, repo people don't work for the bank, but they get their rewards from the collections agency (or bank) so they will work at any time or day.

The repo man hit your car in the process of you trying to leave and then chased you down What can you do You are still frightened til this very day Is it legal?

If you would have called the police everything should have been taken care of, because repo companies can only take the car if there isn't going to be a hassle. If you catch them in the act of taking your vehicle you can call the police and they will have to release the vehicle.

A car was repossessed on the 13th and 3 days later you received a check for the amount of the payment you made 2 weeks earlier. The check was dated on the 13th the same day as the repo Is this legal?

Yes. They blocked your account from payments while the car was being looked for.

Will the car owner be notified prior to the repossession?

In a few states, you will get a "XX day right to cure" notice. But when it comes time to repo the car, NO. If you know you are in default, the lender has been begging you to pay something,ect., GET YOUR PP OUT. The lender and the repo company doesnt want your PP. They dont want to deal with it anyway. Then when its repo time, you can go on about life without the interruption of redeeming your PP and additional cost. It just doesnt have to be that way. NO you will not be notified