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You don't. Its there for a reason, leave it alone.

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Q: How do you adjust the governor?
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How do you adjust the governor on a 504 cummins engine?

On the governor, there is a black plastic cap. Remove cap. Inside is a screw. This screw will will adjust the governor.

Can you adjust the governor on a 5 hp?

Yes, it is possible to adjust the governor on a 5 hp. It is a complicated process, but a properly adjusted governor can maintain a steady engine speed.Ê

How do you adjust governor on 2005 Honda accord?

It does not have a governor. Speed is controlled by the ECU and it is not adjustable.

How do you adjust the speed on your golf cartmyself?

Take out the governor

How do you adjust the speed governor on a Ford?

Need to reprogram the ECM.

How do you adjust the governor on a mini dirt pocket bike?

you cant adjust the govener on a pocket bike because it does not have one

How do you lower toro lawnmower engine idle?

You adjust the run and idle speed with the governor wire...loosen the nut and adjust it.

How do you adjust the governor on a 2004 Pontiac grand prix?

The governor isn't a physical object... it's a line of programming in the engine ECM. You'd need to have a diagnostic computer with the appropriate software pluggd into it and adjust it from there.

How do you adjust lawn mower idle?

governor near air filter... don't adjust it too much or it will eventually blow the engine.. youtube has instructuions on how to properly adjust the spring

Adjusting governor to get more speed on 550 kawasaki mule?

You can adjust the governor, on your 550 Kawasaki Mule, by increasing the fuel to the carburetor. The fuel adjustment screw is on top of the governor.

How do you take the governor off a Baja Bug?

You can adjust it, by turning out the "Engine Governor Speed Adjustment" Screw. Check out the doodlebug manual, or message me for more details.