Yes, it is possible to adjust the governor on a 5 hp. It is a complicated process, but a properly adjusted governor can maintain a steady engine speed.Ê
How do you adjust the governor on a 2004 Club Car ?
On the governor, there is a black plastic cap. Remove cap. Inside is a screw. This screw will will adjust the governor.
how do you adjust timing on a 50 hp 1985 Yamaha outboard motor
If you don't want the engine to blow up, yes.
urmila singh
It does not have a governor. Speed is controlled by the ECU and it is not adjustable.
adjust my webcam
Take out the governor
You don't. Its there for a reason, leave it alone.
Need to reprogram the ECM.
You adjust the tappet. That's the thingy that pushes the valve down.
you cant adjust the govener on a pocket bike because it does not have one