State Farm is very likely to cover water damage, and the repair of a leak to stop water damage that has already occurred in your home. They may or may not cover slab leaks that have not caused damage to your home or belongings. They will almost certainly cover the cost of a pipe that leaks upstairs and causes massive amounts of damage through the ceiling and downstairs. Only a claims adjuster can tell you for certain whether any given circumstances will be covered. Different policies are, well, different, so they may cover yours, but they very well may not. We blog on this subject some. PLEase contribute to it to help us create a comprehensive database of insurance company slab leak experiences.
State Farm is very likely to cover water damage, and the repair of a leak to stop water damage that has already occurred in your home. They may or may not cover slab leaks that have not caused damage to your home or belongings. They will almost certainly cover the cost of a pipe that leaks upstairs and causes massive amounts of damage through the ceiling and downstairs. Only a claims adjuster can tell you for certain whether any given circumstances will be covered.
Auto insurance will not cover a boat under any circumstances.
I was told by a State Farm Agent that they do not cover rental cars in Puerto Rico.
State Farm is very likely to cover water damage, and the repair of a leak to stop water damage that has already occurred in your home. They may or may not cover slab leaks that have not caused damage to your home or belongings. They will almost certainly cover the cost of a pipe that leaks upstairs and causes massive amounts of damage through the ceiling and downstairs. Only a claims adjuster can tell you for certain whether any given circumstances will be covered. Different policies are, well, different, so they may cover yours, but they very well may not. We blog on this subject some. Please contribute to it to help us create a comprehensive database of insurance company slab leak experiences.
State Farm homeowners policies cover boats stored at residence for up to $1,000.
Does my policy cover rental trucks
I understand, from conversation with State Farm agents, that yes, State Farm, at least here in Colorado, does cover damage done by raccoons, even though State Farm policies may not cover damage done by "rodents" or "vermin". Raccoons are generally considered to be "wildlife" and thus, damage done by them is treated similarly to dmaage done by their distant cousins, bears.
Yes, rodent damage would be covered under your comprehensive coverage, your deductible will be applied.
yes,yes they do
State farm does not cover your pet if you are in an at fault accident, however, if you are involved in an accident in which it is the other driver's fault, pets fall under property damage and their bills would be paid by the other driver's insurance company. On a side note, Progressive offers $1,000 for pets if you have a collision policy with them. As for State Farm, you'd be best off getting a Pet Insurance policy ( From a different company ) that would cover them for an accident no matter what type it is.