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Q: Does state farm cover sugar in the tank?
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Where are canal irrigation and tank irrigation are used?

Farm application and areas where you need a large ammount of water to cover a large area. An application of this may be a farm, where they have canals leading into and out of the farm. Tank irrigation is used for storage of water for later, or immediate application to plants. An application for tank irrigation may be a farm in a arid climate. Thank you

Does full coverage cover vandalism such as sugar in the tank that causes the motor to lock?

Not sure about the insurance aspect but i do know that if ad or when sugar is put in a gas tank, the motor does not seize. You'll need to take out the gas tank and install a new one to be good to go again.

Will sugar in gas tank make gas spill from the tank?

Putting sugar in a gas tank will mean a trip to the garage since the sugar will ruin the gas filter and go into the engine.

Will car start with sugar in tank and drive?

Yes, the sugar will remain on the bottom of the tank like sand.

Where is your lost sugar lip tank tops?

the last sugar lip tank top is in voritra secret or macys

Will putting sugar in a gas tank mess up your car?

Sugar sits on the bottom of the tank like sand unless you have some water in the tank also.

Can you completely cover a fish tank?

Yes, you can completely cover a fish tank with a lid or cover to prevent fish from jumping out and to maintain water quality.

How can you tell if sugar is in your gas tank?

The sugar would lay on the bottom of the tank so the only way to know would be to remove the tank and remove the sending unit to gain access to the inside of the tank.

What if the fuel in your tank and lines is real sticky is sugar in the tank possible How do you fix?

you need to get the tank cleaned and may need the lines changed do not drive as sugar will destroy the engine

What is the clear cover value for RC water tank?

The clear cover value for the RC water tank is approximately $50.

What to do if sugar is in tank?

If you suspect that someone put sugar in the tank of your car, the best thing to do is to make an appointment to have your filters cleaned at a garage. Sugar in the tank will not disable your car, this is a common myth, but like pouring sand into someone's gas tank, it might cause your filters to need cleaning earlier.

What will be the effect of sugar in petrol tank of a car?

Sugar in the petrol tank will quickly cause a car to break down. The sugar gums up fuel lines and injectors, disabling fuel delivery.