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The Coverage A section of your policy covers the home itself. Damage from a tree falling whether on your property or off your property would be covered by this coverage less your deductible.

If the neighbors tree was dead and the neighbor knew or should have known it was in this condition, then the neighbor may be liable for the damage under his policy's liability section. This would be determined if it was decided that he was negligent by not taking down the tree beforehand. In this case there would be no deductible paid by you. Also, if your policy paid for the damages, they may decide that liability exists on the neighbors part and recoup the damages from the neighbor's policy. If this occurs your deductible would be reimbursed to you when damages are collected from the neighbor or his policy.

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9y ago

Generally our own home insurance policy will cover damages to the home and other covered structures that result from felled trees or limbs. It does not matter whether the tree came from our own yard, a neighbors yard or blew in from some national forest miles away.

Some economy policies however may not cover debris or tree and limb removal if no covered structure has been damaged.

Bear in mind though that homeowners insurance does not cover losses that result from maintenance issues or the lack thereof, including regular tree trimming.

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