Propety Damage covers you if you damage someone elses property. Liability covers you in the event of a lawsuit.
No. Liability insurance covers damage you do to someone else's property. Theft would be covered by comprehensive insurance. In most jurisdictions, liability insurance is required but comprehensive is not.
Property damage is covered by a property liability insurance package. This applies to all incidents in which an automobile causes damage to another person's property such as a fence or house. If you do not have property liability insurance, the driver is responsible for covering the damages out of pocket.
Landlord insurance typically covers property damage, liability protection, and loss of rental income due to property damage or other covered events.
Yes if it is covered by d insurance policy & No if not. Usually its not.
The typical house insurance policy covers damage to your property and personal liability coverage. Damage to your property includes fire, lightning, tornado, and hurricanes.
Public Liability and Property Damage insurance. Bascially liability insurance.
It does cover your liability for property damage and medical expenses if you were at fault. If you have collision insurance, your vehicle will also be covered.
That all depends on your insurance and how much damage they feel was done. If they don't cover it, or if you don't have enough insurance, they can file a law suit.
Property damage liability insurance is to cover the damage you may cause to someone else's property. Different states have different car insurance requirements and regulations. Further, some people get larger property liability insurance coverage than the minimum requirements.
Your own liability insurance will never pay for the damage to your property or for your medical expenses. Your collision insurance pays for damage to your property, if it is your fault. Your Uninsured Motorist Insurance or Underinsured Motorist Insurance pays for damage to your property if caused by someone else who is uninsured or under-insured. Your liability insurance will pay for the damage to someone else's property or for someone else's medical expenses, if it is your fault. Someone else's liability insurance will pay for the damage to your property or for your medical expenses, if it is their fault.
Public liability insurance covers damage or injury to third parties, whether they be visitors, tradesmen of even trespassers, that occur on your property or through your actions or lack of action.
Yes, you can get auto insurance that only covers liability and property damage. However, you will need to purchase collision insurance if there is a lien on your vehicle.