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Yes, you can get auto insurance that only covers liability and property damage. However, you will need to purchase collision insurance if there is a lien on your vehicle.

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Q: Can I get Car Insurance that only covers liability and property damage?
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Related questions

What is covered by property damage liability insurance?

Propety Damage covers you if you damage someone elses property. Liability covers you in the event of a lawsuit.

The coverage included in an automobile insurance policy that covers property damage is what insurance?

its liability insurance

The coverage included in an automoblie insurance policy that covers property damage is insurance?

the answer is liability

The coverage included in an automobile insurance policy that covers property damage is insurance?

liability insurance. -twiggy.

The coverage included in an automobile insurance policy that covers property damage is what kind of insurance?

Liability Insurance

What is the difference between property and casualty insurance?

Property insurance covers damage to physical property, such as homes or buildings, while casualty insurance covers liability for harm or injury caused to others.

Will liability insurance cover damage to a person's vehicle caused by someone else?

NO, liability covers damage you do to someone else's property. Comprehensive insurance covers damage to your vehicle by someone else. If you have no comprehensive, then you will need to look to their insurance for recovery of damages.

Covers bodily injury or property damage that you will cause to another person and or vehicle?

Liability Insurance

What does landlord insurance cover?

Landlord insurance typically covers property damage, liability protection, and loss of rental income due to property damage or other covered events.

Is auto theft covered by liability insurance in Colorado?

No. Liability insurance covers damage you do to someone else's property. Theft would be covered by comprehensive insurance. In most jurisdictions, liability insurance is required but comprehensive is not.

Will auto liability cover damage done by a deer?

No. Unless you killed somebody's pet deer, liability insurance is no value. Liability insurance covers the damage you do to somebody else's property or person. Collision insurance covers damage to your vehicle when you strike an object or animal or when your vehicle is damaged by someone unknown, as in a hit-and-run accident.

What is typically covered in your house insurance policy?

The typical house insurance policy covers damage to your property and personal liability coverage. Damage to your property includes fire, lightning, tornado, and hurricanes.