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No. A renters policy would cover a renters loss, Not the Home owner.

Actually a homeowners form HO-4 is for renters. It provides similar coverage to a "normal" homeowners policy with the exception of not covering the home itself. There are many homeowners forms for different situations. HO-8 OS for condos, HO-10 is primarily for older homes that you don't want to cover for replacement cost so you insure it for the real estate value so you aren't penalized on claims for carrying less than the replacement cost of the home, etc.

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Q: Does home owners insurance cover renters losses?
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Does homeowners insurance cover Burglary for renters?

No, homeowners insurance typically only covers property and liability for property owners, not renters. Renters should consider purchasing renters insurance, which can protect their personal belongings in the event of theft or burglary.

Does the owners liability insurance cover contents of a a fire when the renters lost everything?

Is homeowner liability for a fire?No, This is why it is recommended that tenants obtain a renters insurance policy to cover their belongings and personal liability. The owners insurance is for the owners own property and legal liabilities, so unless the owner is somehow responsible for starting the fire, the owner would not be liable for the tenants property.

Does homeowner insurance cover renters fall?

No, the property owners coverage does not provide coverage for a tenants property or liability.

Does an owners liability insurance cover damages to contents of renters property if the homeowner is negligent?

No, a homeowners insurance policy does not provide coverage for the property of a tenant. That's what "Renters Insurance" is for.If the renter chose not to purchase a renter insurance policy, Then the renter was negligent to the extent that the renter chose not to purchase a renter insurance policy, perhaps with the mistaken belief that the owners policy would cover them.

What is the difference in renter and landlord insurance?

The diiference between landlord & renters insurance is that landlord insurance is a policy that covers property owner from financial losses with their property.Renters insurance is policy that cover the renter from financial losses or personal items.

Does renters insurance cover your car?

No, it does not.

Will renters insurance pay if a car is hit on property?

No, Renters insurance is coverage specific to household property or contents owned by the named insured. It does not cover the property of others and it does not cover automobiles. Neither Renters insurance nor Homeowners insurance will cover damage to an automobile. That's what auto Insurance is for.

Does homeowners insurance cover a renter?

No. That's what renters insurance is for.

Will renters insurance cover a broken laptop?


Does home owners insurance cover money stolen from a school PTO?

No, It is the schools choice to obtain coverage for losses from theft on school property or not. Your homeowners insurance would not cover the losses of another party.

What is difference between home owners insurance and rental property insurance?

Other than home owners insurance covering your primary residence where you live and rental property insurance covering a home that you rent to others there are a few differences in types of coverage. While most home owners policies cover the building you live in as well as your contents (TV, Clothes, etc...), most rental property policies cover only the building. This is because in a rental property situation you usually do not own the contents inside and the renters have renters insurance to cover their own contents.

Does renters insurance cover hail damage to the roof of my mobile home?

No, renters insurance is coverage specific to property that belongs to the named insured.If it's a rental property then the property owners insurance would cover storm damage to the roof. If it's just worn out then that would be an owners maintenance issue.