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Yes, Your homeowners insurance can be cancelled due to lack of home maintenance or required updates. Basically home insurers will have a minimum standard of acceptable condition when they insure the home. If the roof does not meet the minimum requirements of the program being offered, then the company may cancel the policy. This is usually done in the first 60 days of policy issuance or effective date.

Homes that are not adequately maintained and updated are considered to be at significantly higher risk for a loss.

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Q: Can your homeowner's insurance be cancelled due to bad roof?
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If homeowner fails to replace a bad roof and it caves in does insurance company pay?

No,, homeowners insurance does not cover normal maintenance costs nor damages that result from lack of maintenance.

How do you get affordable homeowners insurance with bad credit?

There are companies that do not run credit score.

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Not sure what you mean by "Bad Masonite siding"?.. If you mean they did a "bad job" installing the siding. No, Homeowners insurance does not cover poor quality or workmanship of the contractors we choose to hire.

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Yes, many insurance companies do require you qualify credit wise to be eligible for coverage.

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Physical Injuries are best covered under your medical or health insurance plan. The coverage is usually much broader.

Does homeowners insurance cover a bad slab?

What is bad? Insurance coverage is based on cause or reason. In order to properly answer the question one would need to know why the slab is bad. Why? If a big rig truck ran off the road and into the side of the house and damaged the slab this would be a covered claim. Your homeowners insurance covers claims where a vehicle strikes the house. Did ground water flooding damage the slab? If so you would need flood insurance. No homeowners covers flood. Flood is flood and is insurance offered by FEMA. You don't get flood coverage under homeowners policies. Is the slab bad because the work done to build it was poor? There is no coverage to repair the slab but if the slab being bad caused ensuing damage there may be coverage for ensuing damage. Has the slab just started cracking because no expansion joints were put in the concrete? This is really not a sudden an accidental event. In fact it is normal and thus not something homeowners insurance covers. Need to know why slab is bad to get you a better answer. Tried to answer giving a few different options.

Will your homeowners policy cover the cost of a new roof The last owners had roof recovered in 1995 and the shingles are starting to curl up and look bad?

No, insurance will not cover a roof, but if you purchased the home with any kind of warranty you might be able to get some help there. If shingles go bad that fast it's probably because of improper air circulation in the attic. If the attic gets much hotter than the outside air it will cause the shingles to curl and loose their mineral surface. Next time the roof is replaced, make sure you have the roofer put in some attic vents to keep the temperature down.

What are the requirements for car insurance for bad drivers in California?

Bad Driver Car Insurance, not something to be proud of, but at Save-On Insurance we understand that not everybody in Southern California is a great driver. Car insurance companies today have no worries about having you labeled as a bad driver. All it takes with some insurance companies is one simple speeding ticket to be considered a bad driver, along with your insurance rate rising through the roof. Here at Save-On Insurance.

If a seemingly healthy tree broke in half and fell on neighboring apartments following days of bad weather should your insurance cover this or the neighbor's?

The neighbor's insurance must cover his own damage. That is how homeowners insurance works. A property owner is not liable for an act of nature.

What Florida car insurance for bad drivers is available?

Bad drivers, or high risk drivers, can have skyrocketing premiums or have their policy cancelled. You must shop around for rates. Get legal advise and take defensive driving courses.

Will homeowners insurance cover the cost to repair home due to poor construction remodel?

most of the time they will only damages caused by the bad repair not the repair itself 1. Read your policy 2. Call your insurance agent and ask THEM.

Is PMI bad for homeowners?

PMI, or private mortgage insurance, is not inherently bad for homeowners. It is typically required for homebuyers who make a down payment of less than 20 on their home purchase. PMI protects the lender in case the borrower defaults on the loan. While it adds to the cost of homeownership, it can help individuals qualify for a mortgage and purchase a home sooner.