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Some insurance companies will allow the named insured to be excluded depending on the reason. The policy would need to be in your name if the vehicle is in your name. Any drivers must be listed as drivers on the policy but not as the insured.

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Q: Can you have a car in your name with no license but some else driving it with a license and insured on it too?
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Can the owner of a car have it insured in someone else's name?

Yes you can, provided they have a license. However, if you intend to drive it also make you sure you are on the policy as well.

Is the car insured or is the driver insured My sister has a license and is driving my insured car but her name is not on my policy. Can she legally drive my car if I give her permission?

no she has to be on your policy , or if you are full comperhensive and she hold an insureance policy . then you can give her permisson to drive your car under 3rd party only

If you have a NY driver's license but don't have a car of your own If you have been driving your friend's car But her car insurance doesn't have your name on it Can you still drive her car?

Absolutely. The CAR is insured, not the driver.

Can you buy a car in Florida and have it titled in your name but tagged and insured by someone else?

You can have it insured in your name, You can have it titled in your name as lienholder and have it registered to another party

What happens no drivers license but car is insured in someone else's name and you are involved in car accident?

***UK answer*** Depends if the car is registered to your or the other person. If its your car then you will be done for driving with no insurance or driving whilst banned or driving with no license or a combination of the three. However if its not your car and you borrowed it you will again be charged with driving with no license and insurance, (If no license then you dont have insurance, the driver must be insured not the car) but whoever you got the car from could also be charged with knowingly allowing a vehicle to be driven illegally (illegally because you - the driver had no insurance and license), if you dont want to get the other person in trouble - or they may say you took it if they dont want the trouble - then you will probably be charged with TWOC (taking without consent) as well as no driving with no license and insurance. The other persons insurance may pay out if you are found to have taken the car without consent as most cars are insured for theft. However the owner will have to prove this and if there is reason for doubt they wont pay out - unless the police say you did it, but then you will be charged. If its your car and you just dont have insurance yet but (for example) your mate has insured it for him to use while you cant drive it then im afraid it looks like you may have a heavy bill for the other cars you damaged and also court costs and legal fees if you get arrested...not to mention the heavy fine you'll get!

What happens no drivers license but car is insured in someone else's name and you get pulled over?

What happens is at the discretion of the officer that stops you and the guidelines for that particular state. The officer may merely ticket and release you for no drivers license since the car is at least insured. But he has the authority to arrest you and impound the car. He also has the authority to ticket the owner of the vehicle if they knowingly allowed an unlicensed driver to operate their vehicle.

Can you buy insurance if you do not own a car but drive a car which belongs to someone else who is not insured?

The vehicle is insured not the individual. You can pay for and obtain the insurance in the name of the owner with you listed as an insured operator.

In us driving lincence is it the last name that come first?

in Us driving license what is the name that come first ?last name or first name

What happens if you are driving an insured vechicle but personally have no insurance?

you could get fined up to 200 to 300 pounds for not having the insured vehicle in your name or maybe it even can get impounded.

If you have your licence but your car is insured under your parents name not yours can you still drive it?

Yes, you can still drive it as long as you have your license.

Do you have to have insurance if your under 18?

If you want to drive a car you need to have a valid driver's license and the car you are driving must be insured. You don't necessarily have to have your name listed on the policy if you are only borrowing the car from a friend. Be careful though there can be limitations on the coverage in some states if you are not a listed driver on the policy covering the car you are driving.

Can your daughter drive your car if she is not insured on your policy or any policy of her own?

Yes, as long as she has a drivers license. You are the name insured on your policy all other legal drivers are allowed to drive your vehicle as an occasional driver.