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If you want to drive a car you need to have a valid driver's license and the car you are driving must be insured. You don't necessarily have to have your name listed on the policy if you are only borrowing the car from a friend. Be careful though there can be limitations on the coverage in some states if you are not a listed driver on the policy covering the car you are driving.

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Q: Do you have to have insurance if your under 18?
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Can you get auto insurance when under age 18?

No, you have to be under you parents. Not without your parents, because your considered a minor.

How old do you have to be to buy health care insurance?

You have to be at least 18 years old to buy health care insurance. If you are under 18, your parents or a legal guardian are in charge of that. It is possible to gain independence in the circumstances that your parents are unfit or you choose not to have them as your guardians if you are under 18.

Will your unmarried daughter's pregnancy be covered by your insurance?

The fact that the child is illegitimate is irrelevant. If she is under 18, then the insurance will cover it. If she is over 18, it depends on the company. -DJ Craig

Are you loable if your 18 year old gets int oa car acciodent?

It depends on if the vehicle is under your insurance and/or if they are covered on your insurance.

In an accident who is liable the 18 yr old driver or the parents who own the car and insurance policy?

parents if the insurance is under their names

Can a minor in the state of Georgia have their own auto insurance policies or do they have to be placed on their parents' insurance?

Yes, you can but its best to be under you parents policy...Since the price will be "Very High" since your under 18.

Can persons under 18 be employed to drive a motor vehicle?

Probably not, the insurance would be too high.

Does a newly licenced driver under the age of 18 have to be listed as a driver with the insurance company or are they covered automaticly under the parents' policy?

They must be listed.

Can a person take out life insurance on their sick daughter?

you can if your daughter is younger than 18 years. but they cant sell you an insurance if it is not under your name. you have to be able to have someone to insure.

If a car is titled to an 18- year old but she is under her parents insurance policy whose responsible if she gets in an accident?

She is.

Can teens apply for medicaid insurance without parent permission?

Heres the thing if ur under 18 no if ur 18 or over then yes

If an insured driver under the age of 18 is involved in an accident can they claim insurance?

Of course, age doesn't matter. If you have a valid license and have a current insurance policy you can claim the accident.