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The vehicle is insured not the individual. You can pay for and obtain the insurance in the name of the owner with you listed as an insured operator.

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Q: Can you buy insurance if you do not own a car but drive a car which belongs to someone else who is not insured?
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Related questions

Are you insured if you drive someone else's car?

that depends on their insurance policy

Do you need insurance to drive someone else's car?

The car is insured not the driver however many policies have restrictions as to who may drive the insured vehicle.

If i am insured and drive a vehicle belonging to someone that is not insured am i covered through my policy?

No. * i say Depends on your policy. Call your insurance person.

Can you be fined for driving someone else car if they do not have insurance?

not if you are personally insured to drive that vehicle on your own policy

Can insured person drive an uninsured car?

We need to know what he's insured for. If he's insured to drive the car, then yes. If he's insured with life insurance, then no. But normally it's the car that carries the insurance.

What happens if you have named non owners insurance and you drive a car that is not insured and someone hits you?

you can get fined if the police finds out

If you do not have insurance but the car is insured are you okay to drive it if you are not the primary driver?

Insurance follows the car, not the driver. As long as the car is insured and you have permission from the owner to drive it, you are covered.

What happens if you drive someone else's car which has no insurance and you have no insurance and you get in an accident?

This is not good. The law specifically says, that, it is your responsibility to make sure that the vehicle you are about to drive is properly insured. Sorry to say, but there is no way out of it.

Is it legal to drive without insurance in florida if the car your driving is insured?

If the car you are driving is insured then you are not driving without insurance.

Can you drive a car that is not insured but you have insurance in the UK?

In the UK you must have insurance that covers you to drive the car in question.

If a car is insured in the state of Georgia under someone your boyfriend knows then can you drive the car if you aren't on the insurance?

Usually the insurance on the vehicle covers any driver who has the permission of the owner of the vehicle to drive the car.

Can i drive someone else's vehicle that has no insurance on it but mine does?

You would probably be insured for liability, but the car would not be insured for collision. However, to be sure, you should call your agent or read your policy.