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This is not good. The law specifically says, that, it is your responsibility to make sure that the vehicle you are about to drive is properly insured. Sorry to say, but there is no way out of it.

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Q: What happens if you drive someone else's car which has no insurance and you have no insurance and you get in an accident?
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If you have a car accident in someone else's car and they have full coverage will that cover the damages to the car you hit?

Usually, if the driver had the owner's permission to drive. What happens if the car is owned by the person that has the accident but the insurance is in your name? However you no longer want to be in that relationship or to have to pay that insurance?

What do you do when you allow someone to drive your car and they get into an accident but they have no insurance and no license in pa?

You have to pay because you let them drive you car so it is your fault!

If an unisured driver has an accident in your car will your insurance still cover it?

Probably. When you purchase insurance, you are insuring the car. If you drive someone else's car and have an accident, their insurance should cover the costs (but their insurance *may* sue your insurance company for compensation/reimbursement.)

What happens when you drive someone car and get into an accident and that person don't have insurance?

You as the driver are responsible for any crash you cause in this case. If you were told the car was insured and can prove it you could sue the lender for reimbursement.

What happens if an excluded driver on your insurance policy cause an accident but you let them drive?

The insurance company is not liable to pay out any damages that were caused in the accident and they cancel your policy. This means that the driver bears the full financial burden for the costs of the accident.

What happens when you mistakenly have car insurance for personal domestic and pleasure but have accident on the way to work?

There is no breakdown to how or where you drive your car. Enroute to work is a daily activity and you are covered by your insurance. Where problems start is if someone else was driving the car or if you don't have a drivers license.

What happens if you drive someone else's car with no insurance and get in an accident?

You are the one legally in the care, custody, and control of the vehicle and therefore are the one who will be cited for driving without insurance. This is just the beginning of your trouble though. If you were at fault, you are also responsible for the damages done in the accident which may include injuries and damages to the vehicle you hit.

What happens when you have permission to drive someone elses car and have an accident and you only have a learners permit?

then your both screwed

What happens when you don't have car insurance on a military base?

You would usually not be covered if there was an accident and you could be cited if you are caught. It's best to have insurance whenever you drive a car.

If someone drives your car with a valid license but your car has no insurance and they have an accident and at fault?

Hope that you have lots of money.. Tell me your not stupid enough to drive a car with out insurance....

If you let someone drive my car and they are not on my policy what happens if there is an accident?

You may find yourself exposed to costly personal liability. If you don't have adequate insurance coverage you will be liable to pay for any damages or injury above the limits of your coverage. If the driver doesn't have a valid driver's license your insurance company will refuse to pay for any damage caused by the accident. If you don't have collision coverage you will lose your car and have expense to pay.In general it is not a good idea to allow someone else to drive your car unless it is absolutely necessary, they are legally allowed to drive and you have full insurance coverage.

What can someone do if they get into an accident with a vehicle they're still paying for with no car insurance?

The only thing you can do is pay for all your damages out of pocket. After all it was your decision to drive without insurance.