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Yes, as long as she has a drivers license. You are the name insured on your policy all other legal drivers are allowed to drive your vehicle as an occasional driver.

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Q: Can your daughter drive your car if she is not insured on your policy or any policy of her own?
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What happens if you are insured but the car you're driving belongs to somebody else and the car is not insured?

In the UK, if you are insured fully comp for your own vehicle you are covered to drive any vehicle for third party damages, unless your policy states otherwise. Some policies allow you to drive any other vehicle fully comp. Check your policy.

If my daughter does not own a car and is not listed on my insurance policy can she drive friends cars and does their insurance cover any accident she may have?

Subject to any exclusions in their policy, with permission she would likely be considered an insured driver, but many many exclusion, and one is that she isn't a 'regular'' driver, without being rated on the policy of course.

We have 3 older vehicles insured with you. Our 17 year old daughter just got her drivers license. I want to get a new car which she will not be allowed to drive. Can you give me an insurance rate?

I'm Not sure who you insure through but any minor over the age of 15 MUST be added as a driver on the policy. It does not matter if she will drive the car or not, she still must be stated on the policy and be insured for all cars. at least that's the law where I live.

If you have an insurance policy to drive any vehicle would you still be insured to drive a car that is not insured by the owner?

The answer is "it depends." I know of no insurance companies that issue policies "to drive any vehicle" ... automobile insurance, at least in the USA, is based on the car being driven. In that case, the insurance is actually on the automobile, not on the driver. Therefore, an uninsured car would not be insured regardless of the driver. There may be exceptions, depending on the underwriter and the particular policy involved.

Can your son drive your ex's vehicle any time as long it is insured and be covered if he is in a wreck?

Is he rated on the policy or another in the household as a driver? He needs to be.

What does Additionally Insured on a Vehicle Insurance Policy mean?

The person who took out the policy is the main or policyholder. Any persons added to the policy are considered additionally insured.

If your insured with one company and you drive another vehicle that's insured by another company and you get into an accident wich insurance company pays for it?

The Owners Vehicle Policy offers primary first pay coverage. Any policy carried by the driver would invoke as secondary coverage.

Your daughter received a DUI while driving the family vehicle Can the insurance company drop us if we take her off your policy?

You will have to sign an official exclusion document for your policy to be safe. Be aware though that when you do this you can not under any circumstance let your daughter drive any vehicle on your policy while that exclusion is in effect.

Does the proposed insured intend to replace or change any existing policy?

If you are the proposed insured you need to answer that question. If you are the agent you need to ask it!

Will your insurance cover an accident if someone else was driving your car with a revoked license?

Barring any exclusions in your policy if the driver had your permission to drive they will be considered an insured driver thus afforded coverage.

There is no beneficiary on my mother's life insurance policy?

If no beneficiary is listed on a life insurance policy then the benefits are payable to the insured's estate. The beneficiary can be changed at any time prior to the death of the insured if this is the person's desire.

How can you get insured to drive any car?

You need to check with your current insurance carrier. In my case I am insured thru Farmers, and with them as long as you carry full coverage on the rig you own and drive that same coverage will be with you in any rig you drive except commercial rigs.