Yes, that is possible. But, know that if you have a blown head gasket you will do serious engine damage if you continue to drive the vehicle. You need to have this looked at by a trusted mechanic. Do not continue to drive the vehicle.
If it is leaking from a bad head gasket, it is because of a bad head gasket. If it is leaking from a bad intake manifold gasket, it is because of a bad intake manifold gasket.
no. when a head gasket is bad coolant goes to the exhaust pipe and causes the car to smoke alot all white smoke.
No. A bad head gasket would cause water to come out the tailpipe. You will see white smoke. Leaky rings would cause oil to come out the tailpipe. You will see blue smoke.
Check for water in your oil, if so, this is a sign of bad head gasket. White smoke from the exhaust and loss of coolant with no apparent leak are all signs of a blown head gasket. You can also remove the thermostat (it is much cheaper to replace and easier to troubleshoot as well). If the temperature of the vehicle lowers, your thermostat was the problem.
The white smoke out of the exhaust will indicate a head or a head gasket issue. the only way to tell is to pull the head and inspect for signs of a bad gasket and have the head cleaned and checked for cracks or warping.
It sounds like you have a bad head gasket.
the only way oil will get in the coolent is a bad head gasket or a crack in the head.
not very easily... Is their oil in your coolant or vise-versa? is your car smoking white? blue? Car overheating regularly? these are all signs of a bad head gasket but may be signs of a different problem....To check your head gasket you can do one of two things.1. do a leak down test2. pull the head off and visually inspect the gasket...those are really your only two options and both are time consuming
A head gasket is only one of the many gaskets in the engine. Each has a separate function and failure by any one gasket will result in different type of leakage. A head gasket failure is perhaps the most disruptive.
Yes , engine coolant can get in an engine cylinder from a bad head gasket , a warped or cracked cylinder head , a bad intake manifold gasket etc. ( P.S. I'm not a mechanic / technician )
replace it
A bad head gasket or a cracked head will do that.