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You might want to be careful here. Some states have steep fines and worse for someone that drives without insurance.

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Q: If you don't have car insurance and was hit by someone else can you sue them and the insurance company?
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What if you dont have insurance?

If the law requires you to have insurance (Auto Liability) or someone else does (your mortgage company, your auto lender) you could be in hot water if you don't have it. Otherwise, you don't have to have insurance.

Can you be the main driver on Insurance on someone else's car?

Yes, as long as you inform the insurance company.

How can you find out someone's insurance company with their ID and insurance?

If you have their drivers license and insurance card what else will you need to know their insurance company. Perhaps you did not list the question correctly for what you meant.

Which insurance company has raised its dividend for 28 consecutive years?

NO, but I hope someone else can.

Can you own an insurance company with a felony if your grandfather leaves it to you in his will?

Yes you can own an insurance company with a felony. You will not be able to get or keep appointments with the carrier. Therefore, appoint someone else. I know someone who does this in OH now.

What are your options if your private property was damaged by someone else during an auto accident?

file and pursue a claim or dont. If you do file , file a police report, get a copy of the report and have your property insurance company pursue the claim against the insurance company covering the party or parties involved in the auto accident

If you drive someone else vehicle and they dont have insurance is this against the law?

Yes, It is always illegal to drive without your financial responsibility. It doe snot matter if it's your vehicle or someone else's

If you have fully comp insurance can someone else drive the car with your permission?

In most cases they can drive your vehicle but most insurance companies have restrictions on the age of the driver, usually 25 or older. It is best to check with your insurance company before letting someone else drive your vehicle.

Will someone else's insurance policy cover your vehicle?

Yes, under certain circumstances it will. Have your friend call their insurance company claims department and ask for assistance.

If someone hits your parked car and you call your insurance will your rates go up or will their insurance take care of everything?

If your car is parked and someone hits it, your rates should not go up. The other car's insurance company should take care of everything, even if you have the same insurance company. You are entitled to have your vehicle repaired following an accident that was caused by someone else.

What is subrogatable mean?

it means "are the loss payments my insurance company made on my vehicle recoverable from the other insurance company?" If something is subrogatable, it means it is leagally recoverable from someone else. In insurance, if you are in an accident and not at fault, your insurance company has the right to subrogate against the other insurance carrier to recoup the money they paid out to fix your vehicle.

Can a claim be made against a person's insurance without their permission?

Anytime you make a claim with your own insurance company against someone else's company or their company directly, the company taking the claim by law has to fully verify and investigate the claim being made. Not only that, no insurance company in their right mind would pay out insurance claims without checking them out first.