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If your car is parked and someone hits it, your rates should not go up. The other car's insurance company should take care of everything, even if you have the same insurance company. You are entitled to have your vehicle repaired following an accident that was caused by someone else.

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Q: If someone hits your parked car and you call your insurance will your rates go up or will their insurance take care of everything?
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In Michigan, if another driver is at fault and ticketed, my insurance company and probably others, will not raise your rates. If you are at fault, even if you are not ticketed because the accident was unavoidable, your rates would go up. My insurance company won't raise the rates for one accident, but will raise them for a period of three years after a second accident. If no more accidents during the three years, the rates go back down. If someone else is driving your car and has an accidents the same answer above applies. If you are parked and someone hits your car, even a hit and run, your rates don't go up. Other states may have other rules.

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If someone wanted to find the UK auto insurance lowest rates there are a variety of places where someone can do so. Some of these places are Cheaper Car Insurance, Money Supermarket and Be Wiser.

Where can a person find auto insurance comparison rates?

Someone can find auto insurance comparison rates from a number of websites such as Insurance Hunter. The website Insurance Hunter offers detailed auto insurance comparisons of various companies.

Where can someone go to look for competitive car insurance rates?

There are many different car insurance companies where you can get competitive rates. A few of these companies include Progressive Car Insurance, Geico Auto Insurance, and State Farm Insurance.

Where can one compare personal auto insurance rates?

There are many ways that someone can compare personal auto insurance rates. It would be best to individually check the rates, such as Progressive or Triple A, to see them.

What type of insurance does A-Plan offer?

A-Plan insurance offers automobile insurance. They have everything from standard insurance to specialized insurance. They have reasonable rates and cover a wide variety of mishaps and problems.

Where can one compare different automobile insurance rates?

If someone wishes to compare different automobile insurance rates there is a variety of places where one can do so. They can compare insurance rates on Money Supermarket, Compare the Market and Ala World Wide.

Where can someone compare rates for the cheapest insurance for buildings?

Insurance rates for buildings can be compared online at the BMO, Allstate, and State Farm sites. One can also compare rates at MoneySupermarket and Gocompare, making it easy to choose the cheapest insurance.

Does Titan Insurance have competitive rates and plans?

Yes Titan insurance has competitive rates and plans when compared to most insurers, as with everything though they can be beat. This company is however a very reputable one.