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If it is in the policy, then yes they can deny coverage. You will need to read your policy carefully, it will reveal the answers there.

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Q: Can an insurance company deney coverage because you did not report and accident settled out of pocket?
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Can you still collect on your own insurance without paying the deductible after an accident.?

If you have collision coverage on your vehicle you can collect from your insurance company for the damages. You will not have to pay the deductible if you were determined by the insurance company to not be at fault for the accident. They then go after the other insurance company to get the money they paid you back. If you do not carry collision coverage then you need to file with other insurance company, they will then decide who was at fault for the accident if their party was at fault they then pay you for the damages to your vehicle.

Can your insurance company cancel auto coverage after you had an accident?

If you have an accident in the first 60 days of your policy,, Yes They can cancel your policy

Will my heath insurance pay my medical bills if i was legally drunk when i had my car accident?

Over and above medical coverage on your auto insurance. There is no way you can get out of telling your auto insurance company about the accident, because the health insurance company will tell them about it first. This also depends on whether or not your State allows health insurance to cover such accidents.

What is gap insurance?

GAP insurance is coverage that covers the difference between the value of the vehicle at the time of the accident and the amount that is owed on the loan at the time of the accident. GAP insurance can be purchased from the finance company or from the persons insurance company. Usually it is much cheaper to get it from the insurance company.

What services do the Globe life and accident insurance company offer?

Globe Life And Accident Insurance are a company that was founded in 1951 it is now based in Oklahoma city and has over 3.8 million policies in force. It provides Life, Accident and Health Insurance coverage.

If you meet with with an accident on the last day of your insurance coverage will insurance company pay for it and Can you report accident after the last day?

Generally, your coverage expires at midnight on the last day of your policy. Until then, you are covered. There may be some time limit during which you must report an accident, but if it happened while you were covered, the insurance company should take care if it.

What services does Stonebridge Life Insurance Company offer?

The Stonebridge Life Insurance Company offers whole life and term insurance, accident and hospital coverage, accidental death insurance and dental insurance.

Can the insurance company at fault deny paing for treatment to injury from auto accident?

Sure. Remember that an insurance policy is a legal contract wherein the insurance company agrees to accept risk from the policy holder according to the terms of the contract. If the policy holder does not live up to the terms of the contract then the insurance company may deny coverage. For example, if the person lied to the insurance company on the application then the insurance company may deny coverage. One of the terms of the policy is that the insured agrees to inform the insurance company of all residents of the home as well as regular drivers. If the insured does not list his 17 year old child who drives one of the vehicles regularly and lives in the house and then the child has an accident the insurance company could not be expected to provide coverage for the accident. Since the insured broke the terms of the policy which is a legal contract then the company probably will not provide coverage because the insured committed material misrepresentation and lied in a significant manner on the application.

If your insurance company denies a claim can the state revoke your driver license just as if you were carrying NO insurance?

Yes, If you are in an at fault accident for which your state law requires you carry the appropriate coverage and the insurance you bought does not cover it. Then you were in fact uninsured for that accident and you are not in compliance with your state law regarding your financial responsibility.Basically it means that you did not have the minimum coverage required by your state.

What exactly is insurance coverage?

Insurance coverage refers to a sort of policy for which one pays premiums to ensure that they are helped should disaster strike. The most common coverage is auto insurance, where the insurance company will pay the cost of repairing a car should you have an accident.

What are Types of dog insurance?

Learn and find all the information you need to know about dog types What exactly do you mean by types of dog insurance? Like insurance for dogs? Because there is this company called Trupanion that does dog and cat insurance. So if you are looking to get insurance for your pet, I would recommend checking their website out.

Is insurance company still liable for medical payments even you no longer carry that insurance?

The insurance should cover an accident while it was in force. If you had insurance 2 months ago and the accident happened 2 months ago, coverages should apply. If the accident happened today and the coverage stopped 2 months ago, there should not be coverage.