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Generally, your coverage expires at midnight on the last day of your policy. Until then, you are covered. There may be some time limit during which you must report an accident, but if it happened while you were covered, the insurance company should take care if it.

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Q: If you meet with with an accident on the last day of your insurance coverage will insurance company pay for it and Can you report accident after the last day?
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If there is a Single car accident and no police report is filed and we drove car home will the insurance company pay?

As long as you have coverage, yes the insurance company will pay. All you have to do is call them and report the loss.

What if you were in a car accident and it was not your fault but you had no collision?

If the police report says the other driver was at fault, try to recover from his or her insurance company. If you don't have collision coverage, you can't collect from your insurance company.

Can an insurance company deney coverage because you did not report and accident settled out of pocket?

If it is in the policy, then yes they can deny coverage. You will need to read your policy carefully, it will reveal the answers there.

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If someone with auto insurance hits your car do you still need to report to your own auto insurance?

It really depends what state you live in. Although if you have full coverage on your vehicle you should report through your company and your company will go after the other insurance company to get their money back. If you have no collision coverage for your vehicle then you will need to file with the other insurance company and they will decide who was at fault for the accident, if their insured is at fault they will repair your vehicle

What do you say to the insurance company when no one was cited in an automobile accident?

Report the claim anyways. Tell the truth and let the insurance company decide how to proceed. Remember, if you are paying for the insurance, you should expect claims to be paid if you have the coverage.

Can you report a car accident to the police three weeks after it happens?

You can always report it, weather they will fill your claim is dependent on a lot of things. Who was at fault, amount and type of damage, type of coverage, and insurance company. You should be sure if after a accident you choose not to inform your insurance company, as they require you to do so asap. Lot of things factor into this tho, no clear cut answer if you are wondering about coverage.

When is it wise not to report to insurance company?

never, even in the case the accident falls under a certain limit you should report the accident to allow your insurance company to protect you and itself.

What can you do if you are involved in an accident was not your fault and the other driver has no insurance?

if you have collision coverage file under that then your company will subrogate the uninsured driver...if no collision coverage you can file a state report, and/or small claims action.....

If you had an accident with no other cars involved and filed a claim to insurance with no police report do you have to report this accident to the new company if you get different insurance?

If you don't the new insurance company can cancel your coverage and possibly not cover any of YOUR losses. They might also consider it to be fraud. Any accident less than $750 isn't chargeable, but if you filled a claim with another insurance company your new company would found out even if you don't tell them, when they run your MVR which shows your tickets and previous insurance companies and claim paid.

What can you do if the person at fault in an accident claims to have no insurance?

You'll need to file an accident report, then notify your insurer of the loss occurrence. If your have collision or uninsured motorist coverage on your policy, your insurer can handle it for you. Your insurance insurance company pays you, they would then seek subrogation from the at fault driver.

How much time do you have to report a new auto to your insurance company?

It depends when you would like your auto to be covered in case of an accident. Would the coverage be the same as with your old car?