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The insurance should cover an accident while it was in force. If you had insurance 2 months ago and the accident happened 2 months ago, coverages should apply. If the accident happened today and the coverage stopped 2 months ago, there should not be coverage.

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Q: Is insurance company still liable for medical payments even you no longer carry that insurance?
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Is the insurance company liable to replace a stolen car with only liability insurance?

If you only carry liability insurance, that is all that the insurance company is liable for in this state.

What insurance company is liable if a pedestrain is hit by a car?

The driver who hit the pedestrian is liable, not their insurance company. The drivers insurance company will normally be responsible for payment of valid claims up to the policy limits for which the their insured driver is found liable.

If the driver of a car is liable for an accident who is liable the owner of the car or the driver's insurance company?

The owner of the car is liable for the accident itself and the damage. However, the insurance company might have to pay for it, depending on the owners insurance cover.

If your car is hit and you have no insurance is the other person liable for damages?

If someone causes damages to your property, they are liable. This means, however that you have to deal with their insurance company directly, rather then your insurance company doing it for you.

Is your insurance company get notified of a parking ticket?

No, an insurance company does not get notified of a parking tickets. Insurance companies are only liable for handling accidents.

Who is liable for medical treatment cost when the accident was not your fault and 3rd party have admitted liabillity?

The at fault driver's auto insurance company will pay for your medical treatment out of their Bodily injury liability coverage.

Does your liability insurance cover medical for a person if you were not driving?

Your liability insurance does not cover medical expenses in your vehicle no matter who is driving. Depending on your state and the regulations there, this could vary somewhat. Liability is coverage for the party and passengers in a vehicle that you hit if you are at fault. If you are talking about a person in the other car then yes, but if you mean a person in your car the answer is no. You need to purchase "Medical Payments" or PIP coverage to provide medical coverage fro those in your car.

Who pays the premiums after life insurance is assigned?

If ownership of the policy is assigned, the assignee is liable for future premium payments.

Will your insurance company pay if you are charged with drunk driving and are sued?

Your insurance company should pay for any property damage or medical bills that are incurred as a result of your accident. Your insurance company is still going to try and limit their liability as much as possible and they will only pay out up to your coverage limits. Your insurance company isn't liable for any punitive awards based on the fact you were driving under the influence.

What if someone falls on your property and gets hurt?

you are liable and on your homewoners insurance has medical pay and liability.

Does homeowners cover injuried guest?

It would depend on whether or not you are liable for the injury. Homeowners insurance is not a viable replacement for medical insurance.

What can be done with a totaled vehicle under lien and only liability insurance?

If the accident is your fault, your insurance company is not going to pay out anything. If it is the other person's fault, the other insurance company will be liable.