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If you only carry liability insurance, that is all that the insurance company is liable for in this state.

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Q: Is the insurance company liable to replace a stolen car with only liability insurance?
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Who is liable if you borrow someone?

Liability always rests with the at fault party. The insurance company covers the property not the person.

What can be done with a totaled vehicle under lien and only liability insurance?

If the accident is your fault, your insurance company is not going to pay out anything. If it is the other person's fault, the other insurance company will be liable.

What is limited Liability insurance?

Limited liability is a concept whereby a person's financial liability is limited to a fixed sum, most commonly the value of a person's investment in a company or partnership with limited liability. A shareholder in a limited liability company is not personally liable for any of the debts of the company, other than for the value of his investment in that company. The same is true for the members of a limited liability partnership and the limited partners in a limited partnership. By contrast, sole proprietors and partners in general partnerships are each liable for all the debts of the business (unlimited liability).

What does the finance company do when a car is totaled and there is no collision insurance?

If the driver was uninsured or only had liability insurance, they would be liable to still pay the finance company back or face a lawsuit.

What is Difference between limited liability company and limited liability company?

A company can be a limited or unlimited. Limited liability company is one which limits the liability of the members(shareholders) by (1) limited by shares or (2) limited by guarantee. Therefore Company limited by guarantee is a type of limited company which means the liability of the members' is limited by the guarantee given by them while becoming the member. The members have agreed to be liable to the company at the time of liquidation of the company upto an amount for which he is liable and does not have any other liability. Limited by shares means the member (shareholder) is liable for the value of the shares only. Members of the company with unlimited liability has unlimited liability for which they are liable even from their personal property if required.

What is the difference between limited liability and unlimited liability company?

A company can be a limited or unlimited. Limited liability company is one which limits the liability of the members(shareholders) by (1) limited by shares or (2) limited by guarantee. Therefore Company limited by guarantee is a type of limited company which means the liability of the members' is limited by the guarantee given by them while becoming the member. The members have agreed to be liable to the company at the time of liquidation of the company upto an amount for which he is liable and does not have any other liability. Limited by shares means the member (shareholder) is liable for the value of the shares only. Members of the company with unlimited liability has unlimited liability for which they are liable even from their personal property if required.

What is liability insurance?

Vehicle liability insurance is insurance that only covers the other car. That means that if you get in a wreck, you are liable for what happens to your car. It also means that that your insurance company will pay for the damages to the other person's car if the accident is found to be your fault, but if it is the other person's fault, then their insurance will pay for the damages to your car.

What is the difference between company and limited liability company?

A company can be a limited or unlimited. Limited liability company is one which limits the liability of the members(shareholders) by (1) limited by shares or (2) limited by guarantee. Therefore Company limited by guarantee is a type of limited company which means the liability of the members' is limited by the guarantee given by them while becoming the member. The members have agreed to be liable to the company at the time of liquidation of the company upto an amount for which he is liable and does not have any other liability. Limited by shares means the member (shareholder) is liable for the value of the shares only. Members of the company with unlimited liability has unlimited liability for which they are liable even from their personal property if required.

What is vehicle liability insurance?

Vehicle liability insurance is insurance that only covers the other car. That means that if you get in a wreck, you are liable for what happens to your car. It also means that that your insurance company will pay for the damages to the other person's car if the accident is found to be your fault, but if it is the other person's fault, then their insurance will pay for the damages to your car.

What is the difference between a Ltd company and a none Ltd company?

Ltd is an abbreviation for Limited Liability; a limited company has limits to its liability; if the company goes bankrupt, or is sued, the liability does not extend to the shareholders in the company. A non-limited company; usually sole traders or partnerships, has unlimited liability - if a plumber floods your house, he is liable and you can sue him. Most non-limited companies have insurance to cover this kind of eventualility.

Will general liability insurance cover you if you get hurt?

No, General Liability would cover others for whom you are financially liable. It is not possible under construct of law to be liable to ones self.

What insurance company is liable if a pedestrain is hit by a car?

The driver who hit the pedestrian is liable, not their insurance company. The drivers insurance company will normally be responsible for payment of valid claims up to the policy limits for which the their insured driver is found liable.