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No, if the facts of loss occurred just as you described them, you wouldn't be considered At Fault. The key here is the lead vehicle driver's statement. Specifically, did he/she feel one impact (from your car being pushed into his), or did he feel two impacts (which would indicate you rear-ended the lead vehicle first, and then you in turn were rear-ended). But, just because your car made contact with the lead vehicle doesn't mean you're automatically at-fault. More input from FAQ Farmers: * Depends.... If the "Proximate Causer" can be determined and identified, he/she can be held accountable. Need to be fully substantiated as the proximate cause by non-interested witnesses. ie: Car enters your lane on one way street going the wrong way forcing you to swerve to avoid head-on collion. If you can catch and identify that vehicle they will be held accountable.

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Q: Are you at fault if your car was forced to hit another car?
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