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Q: You were parked illegally and were hit by another car are you at fault?
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Who is at fault if you back into an illegally parked car?

The person's who parked it there, (its parked illegally.)Not your fault.

Who is at fault when a street parked car that is under a foot over the shoulder is hit by another car?

It is almost impossible to assign fault to a parked car, even if it is illegally parked.

Who be be at fault if you hit an illegally parked car in Atlanta even if the illegally parked car was in a blind spot and the space where the car was parked illegally was too close for comfront?

It would be the car who had parked illegally because he was not parked in a legal spot.

Who is liable in a rear end collision if the car that was rear ended was parked?

As long as the parked vehicle is parked properly and not illegally parked in any manner, then the vehicle that rear-ended the parked car is at fault. Now if the parked car is sitting illegally (such as double parked or parked in a no parking zone, etc.) then the parked car is at fault or even both the parked car AND the car that hits it are BOTH at fault.

Who is at fault when you back into a car that is illegally parked?

Of course it is your fault. The fact that the car was illegally parked is of no consequence. You didn't look where you were backing or you would not have hit the parked car. Would you have hit this car if you had been looking? Perhaps the illegally parked car is a Mini Cooper, parked illegally 1 foot behind a Hummer and therefore not visable when the driver looks before backing up...

If you hit a car parked illegally across from your driveway while backing out are you responsible for repairing the car that is parked illegally?

Yes. Being illegally parked does not affect fault. If you strike a parked vehicle, it is ALWAYS your fault because you have a duty to ensure the way was clear before moving.

I backed into a car that was parked illegally behind me is it my fault?

You Dummy!!

Who is in fault if a uninsured car slides down a slope and hits a car parked illeagally?

The fact that the car is parked illegally or not has no bearing on who is at fault. The car that slid down the slope is at fault.

If your car is parked illegally and someone is driving down a one way street drunk the wrong way and hits your car are they responsible to pay for the car or are you because your car was illegally?

The owner of the illegally parked vehicle may be ticketed, but the "at fault" driver is responsible for the damages to the parked vehicle.

Who is at fault when car hits a car parked illegally on the public street by driveway?

I'm from Michigan, so it is no one's fault HEHEHEHEHEHEHEHEH.

Whose insurance pays in PA a no fault state when you hit an illegally parked car in a parking lot?

Yours, because the question is ... even though that car was illegally parked, what type of driving were you doing that caused you to hit it? No fault only applies to injuries. Property damage is the responsibility of the at fault driver.

What happens if you crash inTo an illegally parked car?

You've crashed into an illegally parked car.... You can be sued...