It is their fault.
If you are in reverse and hit anything, moving or not, you are at fault.
If you are hit from behind it is usually always the guy that hit you that is at fault unless you were in reverse backing up
The person in reverse is most likely at fault unless u-turns are illegal where you did it.
A person driving in reverse is always at fault.
As far as I understand, if any car is in reverse it is their fault.
Most likely it will be considered your fault.
At least partially.
The driver who rear ended you is at fault.
You are! For not being cautious when reversing on to a road. You should make sure that it is safe and clear when reversing, if you hit another car it is your fault and not the person that is driving on the roads fault.
The person who hit a parked vehicle is at fault.
Answer: The vehicle that initiates the collision is at fault.