it may be normal for you. everybody's period lasts for diffront amounts of time. if you havent had it in a wile that may be why its lasted 8 days. and if you just started it that may be another reason.
I was in the middle of typing this and mine got bumped out:
Sorry, that "normal for you" crap doesn't work.
A normal menstrual period is between four and seven days long. Eight or nine is considered abnormally long; ten or more could indicate endometriosis, a condition where the lining of the uterus migrates outside it and attaches to other internal organs. I myself have nine-day periods; for years I was told, "That's normal for you," and only recently was I vindicated: it is absolutely not normal. Don't let your gyno or other health-care practitioner cop out by saying it is, because it isn't, especially if the flow is heavy and the cramps severe. In these cases, birth-control given properly can mitigate symptoms, the more safely in women under 40.
It is normal to have your period for eight days but only if it is normal - spotting.
Yes, it is normal to have a period more than 7 days. In fact, a period of up to 8 days is considered normal.
no not at all
Yes, a normal period can last from 3 to 8 days.
yeah that's normal
No. It's 14 days BEFORE the first day of your next period.
no. See a doctor
If a woman gets her period it is unlikely that she is pregnant
A period can have light to very heavy flow from minor to severe cramping from 3-8 days
Menstruation usually lasts 3 to 5 days, but anywhere from 2 to 8 days is considered normal. Having a shorter (or longer) period is nothing to worry about.
Yes. Your period can last anything from 1-8 days
Yes, Starting Your Period At 8 Is Completey Normal. You Can Start From 8-16 Years Old. x