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A period can have light to very heavy flow from minor to severe cramping from 3-8 days

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Q: Is having period longer than five days normal?
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What does it mean when your period is about 2 days shorter?

Menstruation usually lasts 3 to 5 days, but anywhere from 2 to 8 days is considered normal. Having a shorter (or longer) period is nothing to worry about.

Why is your period longer than normal after you had usafe coitus 3 days before period?

All this means is that your period is longer than normal. The fact you had sex a few days before your period doesn't change your menstrual flow.

Is it normal to have your period for eight days?

Yes, it can be completely normal for you to have your period for eight days. The average period is around 5-7 days but everyone is different and some periods can be much longer for some people.

How many days can a girls period be delayed by?

0-5 days are normal, if longer, see your doctor.

Is it normal to have spotting for days followed by period?

Yes.. It is pretty normal for most women. If the spotting beyond your period lasts longer then a week, consult your dr!

What type of cramps are you having when you just got off your period at least 3 days ago?

Normal period cramps

Having a period for over a month?

You need to go see your doctor ASAP. This isn't normal at all. Your period should last no longer than 7-9 days. If you have your period for more than 10 days strait, then something is up. I would recommended seeing your doctor right away!!!

Is it normal to bleed for two days when your cherry pops?

Sometimes having sex starts your period

Is it normal to have month long periods with an IUD?

Not at all! It's normal to have a longer heavier period but like 2-3 days longer. You need to go to your doctor ASAP!

Is it normal to start a period after 2 weeks of already having one?

it is normal because u have to wait 28 days and then 28 more days and it starts again so it is normal

Could you be pregnant if your period is 5 days shorter?

No, once you become pregnant you no longer have your period. It is normal for your period to occasionally be shorter, longer, heavy flow, low flow etc as there are many health factors including stress that can impact your normal cycle.

You are 13 and having my second period but i have been bleeding for 8 days can you tell me if this is normal?

Every one has different cycles. Some lasting longer...shorter...heavier...lighter. I have heard of 8 day ones. Not to're normal.