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Q: Is it normal to start a period after 2 weeks of already having one?
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If im off the depo but having sign like your period is coming is that normal?

Yes it is that is a sign that your period will start back coming on soon :-)

Is it normal to feel you are having your period with all PMS but when you check there's nothing?

yes; it could be a sign that your period is about to start in next few days

Is it normal for a women to start her period a week later after having intercourse?

Yes, this is normal. Intercourse doesn't effect menstruation at all so it has no relation to your period, when your period starts is dependent on your menstrual cycle - sex doesn't effect this.

When should you start having a period?

The average age of menarche (first period) is 13 years old, but anything between 10-16 years old is considered normal. Everyone develops differently and at different speeds, so there is no one age when you should start having a period.

What does it mean if you spot when your supposed to start your period?

If it's your starting your period for the first time it means that you should start you real period soon. If you already started your period it could mean nothing. Sometimes due to temperature you spot instead of having your period. This also occurs if your very thin.

Is it normal for your period to start then stop?


If you have been on Depo Provera for 6 years and never get a normal period what could it mean if you start cramping and bleeding and your breasts are tender?

In my experience I was on the shot for atleast 3years and I never had a normal period either. In fact I didn't have a period at all. You may just be having your period and it has not been normal so I think you need to go to the doctor.

Why are you not having a period?

When you first start your periods, it's natural to miss some. But if you have already passed that stage and missed your period, it is most likely because you are pregnant. Check with your doctor. I hope this helps :)

If you start having intercourse but then you start getting your period every two weeks is that normal then you get a black discharge is that normal too?

No a "black discharge" is not normal. Using BCP or MAP can cause irregular bleeding and break thru bleeding in the first three months of using OCP.

Is it normal to start your period on the last two days of the sugar pills and go into the hormone pills?

Hi :-) Yes, this is normal. There is no time limit for when you start your period during the sugar pills. As long as you start your period during the seven day worth of sugar pills then this is normal.

Can a period stop and start again?

yes it is normal

What does it mean if you start your period a week early?

There is not a problem if you start your period a week early. It is completely normal for this to happen.