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It could be fecal matter passing through your colon. Its gotta get there somehow, and sometimes it grumbles too while doing so. Nothing to worry about unless it happens often, in which case there is a probability of it being a parasite if other symptoms are present such as malnutrition even though you eat a lot, and constant hunger.

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Q: You are not pregnant but you feel something moving in your lower abdomen?
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What is fluttering in lower abdomen during pregnancy 20 weeks?

That is your baby moving

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Go see a doctor ASAP.

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The brown line that some pregnant women get down the middle of the lower abdomen is called the linea nigra.

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lower abdomen

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Is fluttering in your stomach a sign of early pregnancy?

When I got pregnant, I had a fluttering sensation in my lower abdomen that lasted a few seconds. That's how I knew I was pregnant! So the answer is yes!

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It might be her appendix. I had that kind of pain too and I had to have my appendix taken out that night. go to the hostipal or call 911,

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The ileum is located in the lower abdomen, specifically in the lower part of the small intestine.

You are 5 weeks pregnant according to your last period but your lower abdomen isn't hard are you pregnant?

It doesn't always get hard until a few weeks later when the baby's a bit bigger

Period comes on the 24th now its the 28th you have been sleeping a lot mild headaches lower right abdomen pain crazy mood swings are you pregnant?

Yes you are pregnant! Congratulations!

I feel movement on lower right abdomen and I am not pregnant What could this be?

Mostly likely gas or just the movement of fecal matter through the colon.

I am 6 weeks pregnant and having tightness in the lower abdomen?

If you don't feel well, call your doctor. No one will be able to help you from the internet.