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When I got pregnant, I had a fluttering sensation in my lower abdomen that lasted a few seconds. That's how I knew I was pregnant! So the answer is yes!

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Q: Is fluttering in your stomach a sign of early pregnancy?
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No, it's an early sign of heart burn or indigestion, however, these signs may be signs of pregnancy.

Is diarhhea a sign of early pregnancy?

Yes it can be. It could also be a sign of a stomach upset or a sign that your period is coming soon

You have back pain your stomach feels bloated what does this mean?

Could be an early sign of pregnancy, or PMS

Is a strange feeling almost like a bubble in your lower right abdomen along with some fluttering a sign of pregnancy?

A strange feeling like a bubble or fluttering in your lower abdomen could be a sign of pregnancy, as some women describe feeling "butterflies" early in pregnancy as the uterus expands. However, there are many other reasons for these sensations, such as gas, muscle contractions, or digestive issues. It's essential to take a pregnancy test or consult with a healthcare provider for confirmation.

Is a tight feeling in your stomach and sharp pains in your pelvic area as well as sensitive stomach to smells an early sign of pregnancy?

Sensitive to smells is a definite sign of pregnancy. Craps and pains could be pregnancy, but could also be your period. Take a test to be sure.

Gassy stomach early sign of pregnancy?

Yes, it can be. However it can also be a sign of other things, such as your period arriving soon. Take a pregnancy test if you miss your next period

Is a UTI an early pregnancy sign?

Frequent urination can be an early symptom of pregnancy, but a UTI isnt' an early pregnancy sign.

Is a unset stomach a sign of pregnancy?

No. Pregnancy is a sign of pregnancy. Also if your partner leaves you, THEN you know

Why is your stomach fluttering?

Stomach flutters can be caused by anxiety, excitement, or nervousness due to the release of stress hormones. It could also be a sign of indigestion or gastrointestinal issues. If the fluttering persists or is accompanied by other symptoms, it's advisable to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation.

Is stomach itching a sign of pregnancy?


Could hardness and slight soreness in the stomach be a sign of pregnancy?

No this is not a sign of pregnancy. Typically the first sign of pregnancy will be a missed period.