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It might be because its to soon for it to show

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Q: You are about 4 days late for your period and your pregnancy test is negative?
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What if your period is five days late but the test is negative?

It may be an ectopic pregnancy

Why do you get negative pregnancy test results when your period is 10 days late?

maybe your pregnant, maybe your period cycle is changing

After having a miscarriage 8 months ago my period is 4 days late. Took pregnancy test and it came back negative... am i pregnant?

after having a miscarriage 6 months ago my period is 4 days late.took pregnancy test it came back negative am i pregnant

Could i be pregnant if my period 18 days late no and gained weight have other pg symptoms and had one negative pt?

no because your period controls your pregnancy.

What causes your period to be four days late?


Can pregnancy detected if you have 4 days missed period?

Usually four days late is enough time to get a positive test. If the test is negative and your period doesn't start, retest in one week.

Can a miscarriage be detected in a month of pregnancy because you have just started your period 10 days late and have had positive and negative pregnancy results?

yes, it happend to me.... i wish you the best of luck hun

Can you be pregnant after getting a negative pregnancy test and having your period only 2 days late because plan B was taken as well?


Could you be pregnant if you are 5 days late and have pregnancy symptoms and two pregnancy test came out negative?

It's very possible. But your period could also be late to a number of things; Pregnancy, a new birth control, stress.. and so on. I wish you the best of luck.

Can you take pregnancy test to see before next period is due how long?

You can take a pregnancy test whenever you want but it will not be accurate until your period is about 5 days late. Used earlier may give you a false negative result.

Miss period for ten days are you pregnant?

Yes, you could be. I suggest taking a pregnancy test. If it's negative and your next period is late, missing or abnormal then you need to go and see the doctor.

What do i do I am 20 days late on periods and no symptoms of pregnancy and negative pregnancy test?

Go and see a doctor!! Obvious...