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no or at least he shouldn't as a matter of fact no boy should.if u like the girl tell her and if its a girl that boy knew for a long time even if she doesnt like you,you guys can still be close friends

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Q: Will an inexperienced confident outgoing guy be shy and uncomfortable around a girl he likes?
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How will an outgoing guy who likes you answer you if you ask him out when he is uncomfortable around you?

The only way to know is to ask him and see, though honestly if an "outgoing guy" is "uncomfortable" around you, it's at least a reasonable bet that he doesn't actually like you all that much.... outgoing people don't usually get uncomfortable around people they like.

Will an inexperienced outgoing guy be shy around the girl he likes?

It depends on how much he really cares about

What does it mean when a outgoing guy is suddenly shy around you?

It obviously means he gets a bit uncomfortable around you which means he likes you.

Can a confident outgoing guy act shy around a shy quiet girl he likes?

Yes he because if he truly like her than he can.

Does that mean a guy is shy if he can say hi to everyone including strangers in an outgoing way but not to you?

It means that he is shy towards you. That could mean that he likes you, or he is uncomfortable around you.

How do you know if a normally confident outgoing guy is shy around you?

he's normally more polite and courteous, not putting himself in the spotlight as much but watching you more........................

Can an outgoing confident guy who knows you like him be quiet and not joke around but act kinda serious only around you both online and in person?

no. he's probably a serial killer. love Dr Phil xoxo

Can an outgoing confident guy be shy and just shows signs of liking around a girl instead of saying it to her?

Yes, because you pretty much described me, I'm confident when I talk to women but when it comes to the one girl I like, it's hard to get up the confidence to ask her out.

Why does a guy feel uncomfortable around you?

For the Same reason you feel uncomfortable around him, he likes you.... =D

Will an outgoing guy act more outgoing around a girl he likes?

Yes,because he knows that he has to act like himself around the one he likes.

How do I know if my girlfriend is uncomfortable around me?

To know if your girlfriend is uncomfortable around you, if she disproves the things you do around her. You can also know by asking her.

What does it mean if a few confident social guys are shy and weird around a shy girl?

It probably means they like the shy girl and aren't sure how to talk to her :). Or it could mean that they find her intriguing because they are used to outgoing party girls.