For the Same reason you feel uncomfortable around him, he likes you.... =D
Maybe if you are embarrassing or annoying.
When you feel uncomfortable or when he tries to make you uncomfortable.
You simply joke around at the fact, don't make him feel uncomfortable!
I think that maybe he thinks he's making you feel uncomfortable so he stops.
well if a guy wore a male thong it would be entertaining. but with a bra on... not too much. i would feel a little uncomfortable lol. but its a different story when it's fooling around in the bedroom.
first of all, dont feel uncomfortable, practice what how you want to ask him until you know your ready, if you still feel uncomfortable write him a letter, but make it short dont write a big whole paragraph of how you feel. And dont show him how nervous you are, be cool about it.
Follow him around and make him feel uncomfortable.
Be herself! A nice boy would go out with a girl for who she is.. if she does feel uncomfortable around him and she feels like that she should act differently, then it is simply not the right guy!
sometimes, either he's not quite sure how to act around girls or he's just shy around girls he likes .
The only way to know is to ask him and see, though honestly if an "outgoing guy" is "uncomfortable" around you, it's at least a reasonable bet that he doesn't actually like you all that much.... outgoing people don't usually get uncomfortable around people they like.
If you are uncomfortable with it, talk to your friend and tell her how you feel about the situation. If she doesn't do anything about it, tell your brother about it and tell him how uncomfortable it makes you feel around the two of them.
like hello are u a lezbo