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sometimes, either he's not quite sure how to act around girls or he's just shy around girls he likes .

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Q: Will a guy who knows you like him from your friend and likes you back sometimes feel awkward and uncomfortable around you?
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Does that always mean the guy you like don't like you if your friend told him you like him and he is uncomfortable around you?

sometimes.... sometimes it can mean he might like you too and is shy around you because he doesn't know how to tell you

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If he likes you will most likely ask you out or something but the chances is that if he doesnt like you he will fell realy awkward around you... Trust me this girl at my school did that and it didnt turn out to well :) xx

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If you are uncomfortable with it, talk to your friend and tell her how you feel about the situation. If she doesn't do anything about it, tell your brother about it and tell him how uncomfortable it makes you feel around the two of them.

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It's only natural. Whenever my friend is around the person i like i feel uncomfortable. Don't worry about.

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Sometimes it means that he likes you, or is interested in what you have to say. ^_^

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ofcourse you will feel uncomfortable when your best friend is crying because he \she is your best friend a part of you you must love your best friend so u just feel the pain

Are socially awkward people good and nice people or are they mean?

Usually, they are nice. Just shy and uncomfortable. Help them relax and show some interest in them. You may make a new friend.

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Yes, it is normal to have awkward silence even with a good friend. Awkward silences can occur in any relationship, and it's important to remember that they don't necessarily indicate a problem. Sometimes people just run out of things to say or need a moment to gather their thoughts.

Why is it sometimes uncomfortable to disagree with a friend?

If you respect each other and don't make the disagreement personal nothing will go wrong.

How do you stop being awkward around guys?

just chill out and pretend like they're your best friend.

I asked my girl best friend out and she said no but now its super awkward around us and I still want us to be best friends but I still like her what should I do?

You could try talking to her about how you still want to be friends.AND hey sometimes things turn out in the end (I have a crush on my best friend)

How to stop getting nervous around your best guy friend And stop making things awkward Real answers please I know I shouldn't be shy but I am and we r best friends?

To stop getting nervous and making things awkward around your best guy friend first determine why it is you feel shy around him. It is possible that you like him as more than a friend. If this is true a talk with him may be in order.