It is possible It depends on the size of the pellet and where you hit the squirrel. A hunting pellet is best to use when hunting squirrels they are designed to flatten out when they strike. Pointed pellets might go right through the rodent. Never use BB's to shoot a squirrel. The BB doesn't deform and can cause great agony for the critter before it kills it. It's always best to try for a head shot.
Depending on where you live and the local law. Yes a pellet gun will kill a squirrel. I suggest you use "Hollow point" hunting pellets.
Yes but it is not a humane way to kill the rodent. A pellet gun would be better. BB's don't deform when they impact the rodent, So the squirrel suffers before death. A pellet deforms on impact and will put the squirrel down quickly.
Depends on the pellet gun, the distance, and the game laws where you live. Most pellet guns should not be used to hunt anything bigger than a squirrel. They do not have enough energy for a humane kill.
Yes, in a matter of fact, I shot THROUGH it!
Possible- depending on the pellet gun. I hunt smaller animals (squirrels) with a Sheridan 5mm rifle. It WILL kill a squirrel at 45 yards. However, a squirrel and a turkey are 2 very different animals. To kill a turkey cleanly, it would have to be a head shot- and turkeys are VERY skittish animals. You also need to check if it would be LEGAL to kill a turkey with a pellet gun in YOUR state (assuming we are talking about a wild turkey) The game laws are different for each state.
If it's a pellet gun them most pellet guns are capable of killing a squirrel. Check the FPS (Feet per Second) and if it's over 400 FPS that should be sufficient. Expect to pay $60 and up for a pellet gun. Crosman makes an excellent pellet gun that is rated at 610 FPS Called the American Classic and it cost $70. I also suggest using Hunting (Hollow point pellets) these will be the most effective.
A regular BB gun will probably kill a squirrel if the seals are good, ie it is relatively new, and you are shooting .177 caliber BBs, not airsoft pellets. A pellet rifle may shoot around 1000 feet per second, and that definitely has the clout to whack a squirrel. Most BB guns are capable of killing a squirrel.
Yes But I recommend that you use Hunting Pellets (hollow point) to make a clean kill. BB's make a poor kill and the rodent will suffer before death
we have squirrels in backyard they are distroying pair trees and peacan trees ,is it loegal to shoot a squiirrel with a pellet gun?
No, a pellet gun can't kill a bear it will only make it angry. There for it will eaither attack you or just ignore it.
It is passable to kill a cat in the right situation.