No, a pellet gun can't kill a bear it will only make it angry. There for it will eaither attack you or just ignore it.
With the right pellet you you can, But it should be a hunting Pellet (Hollow-point) and it should be a heavy pellet not a light weight pellet with at least 900 to1000 FPS.
350FPS would be sufficient
It's not the fps that kills, but the shape of the pellet that will do the job. All the pellet shapes will kill the rabbit, but hollow point pellets will mushroom on impact and make a clean kill. other pellets might travel right through the rabbit and it will hop off and die later
No! And for those that think the bear will ignore it I'll just say this. If you are OUT OF YOUR MIND and use a pellet gun then the bear WILL NOT, I REPEAT, WILL NOT IGNORE IT! IT WILL ATTACK! Therfore the only out come is it will charge you while you are reloading your precious single-shot pellet gun and will have you for supper. If you are hunting deer or elk with a pellet gun then you can kill one because there are high-powerd pellet guns out there that are proven to kill medium game...BUT NOT LARGE GAME!
600 FPS - Pellet 625 FPS - BB
A head shot with hollow point pellets would be best.
You are talking about a .22 Cal pellet. anything above 300 FPS (Feet per second ) is sufficient.
Not Likely. That is too slow. You would need around 600FPS.
yes. It is possible but I suggest you use hunting pellets (hollow point)
FPS stands for Feet Per Second. This is how fast the manufacture rates to BB or pellet as it comes out of the barrel. A slow FPS is around 250 FPS a very fast FPS is around 1200 FPS a few rifles can attain over 1500 FPS. Airsoft guns rarely get above 500 FPS because the projectile is so large.
If it's a pellet gun them most pellet guns are capable of killing a squirrel. Check the FPS (Feet per Second) and if it's over 400 FPS that should be sufficient. Expect to pay $60 and up for a pellet gun. Crosman makes an excellent pellet gun that is rated at 610 FPS Called the American Classic and it cost $70. I also suggest using Hunting (Hollow point pellets) these will be the most effective.
It could do it, although it wouldn't be the most "graceful" means of accomplishing it.