It's not the fps that kills, but the shape of the pellet that will do the job. All the pellet shapes will kill the rabbit, but hollow point pellets will mushroom on impact and make a clean kill. other pellets might travel right through the rabbit and it will hop off and die later
Not Likely. That is too slow. You would need around 600FPS.
Hollow point is best. It is a hunting pellet.. But be advised you have to hit a bone or the pellet may go right through the rabbit and he will run off and die elsewhere.
Most Pellet guns and Rifles will kill a rabbit. I suggest using Hunting pellets for the quickest kill. BB guns are a poor choice for hunting rabbits. The BB do not deform when they hit a target and will make the rabbit suffer, where the pellet is designed to put the animal down quickly.
Depends on the pellet gun, the distance, and the game laws where you live. Most pellet guns should not be used to hunt anything bigger than a squirrel. They do not have enough energy for a humane kill.
a rat can kill a rabbit a rat can kill a rabbit
Yes you can kill a duck with a pellet rifle, but it depends on the model and where you shoot the duck. Cheap pellet rifles under $100 usually are not powerful enough to put the duck down without it suffering. A good pellet rifle $150 or more will be sufficient. Also I suggest you use hunting pellets (Hollowpoint) they will be the most effective. A head shot is the best place to put it down quickly. Also it may require a license to shoot the Duck depending on where you live.
Yes but it may take multiple shots and the rabbit will suffer. A bb gun is a poor choice for killing rodents. A pellet gun using hollow point pellets is a much better choice.
The Crosman C31 is a CO2 powered BB gun. In general, a BB gun does not have enough energy to kill a person. However, as a matter of general principle, it is not a good idea to shoot AT anyone with a BB gun, pellet gun, or a bazooka.
Rabbits and hamsters should not be kept together. There is a good chance the rabbit will kill the hamster.
With the right pellet you you can, But it should be a hunting Pellet (Hollow-point) and it should be a heavy pellet not a light weight pellet with at least 900 to1000 FPS.