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Q: Can pellet guns kill humans
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Can i kill a groundhog with my pellet gun?

No... Corrected answer.-------------- It depends on the caliber and power of your Pellet gun. But Yes it is possible. In fact many pellet guns and rifles are used for rodent control.

Can humans kill lions?

yeah humans can make guns and kill lions from a distance

What gun to use to shoot gophers?

I shoot the pests at my house w/ pellet guns, so no one know. But good guns for rodents/ gophers are 22 rifles, and small caliber guns. I advise pellet guns because they aren't loud but can kill rodents easily.

Can a pellet rifle kill a zombie?

no pellet guns can not because they are not powerful to penetrait skin and zombies tougher to kill then humans and you can not kill a human with a pellet gun *** New Answer *** The above answer is incorrect. Most pellet guns can penetrate the skin, they may not kill you but it will hurt. If you have a .257 or larger PCP Airgun that produces a higher fpe then yes you could kill a Zombie. People need to stop looking at Airguns as toys, they are not toys and the higher caliber airguns can kill. So Please practice Safety!!! Oh yeah, you need to shoot the Zombie in the head so I would use a 35cal PCP with a 3500psi tank with the valve set to 950psi burst, or a MAC35 with the cartridge set to 4500psi. :-)

What is the best pellet gun?

Any of the PCP class of pellet guns or rifles. These are high pressure pellet guns that are capable of shooting a 50cal pellet.

Is there an air gun that can kill a rabbit?

Most Pellet guns and Rifles will kill a rabbit. I suggest using Hunting pellets for the quickest kill. BB guns are a poor choice for hunting rabbits. The BB do not deform when they hit a target and will make the rabbit suffer, where the pellet is designed to put the animal down quickly.

Are any air soft guns deadly?

They are not designed to be deadly. technically they are a toy but like anything if they are used wrong you can get injured. BB guns and Pellet guns (Not airsoft) can kill you.

Where do people get pellet guns from?

Sporting goods stores or off the web. Do a search for Air guns or Pellet guns on the web.

What shoots out pellets?

Pellet guns and Pellet rifles.

What animals can you shoot with an pellet gun?

Depends on the pellet gun, the distance, and the game laws where you live. Most pellet guns should not be used to hunt anything bigger than a squirrel. They do not have enough energy for a humane kill.

Why do pellet guns need co2?

Not all pellet guns use C02 some are designed to use a spring or pump. Pellet guns that use C02 are rapid fire guns and do not require re-cocking or pumping between each shot. BUT they usually have less power that spring or pump pellet guns.