

Does a pellet gun kill a cat?

Updated: 9/28/2023
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14y ago

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It is passable to kill a cat in the right situation.

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Q: Does a pellet gun kill a cat?
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Can you kill a bear with a 1500 fps pellet gun?

No, a pellet gun can't kill a bear it will only make it angry. There for it will eaither attack you or just ignore it.

Can your 177 Cal pellet gun 1 shot kill a big tom cat?

I can't tell you the law on shooting domestic animals, but yes it is possible to kill a cat with a .177 provided you do a head shot.

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No... Corrected answer.-------------- It depends on the caliber and power of your Pellet gun. But Yes it is possible. In fact many pellet guns and rifles are used for rodent control.

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If I shoot a Pellet gun in my cats ear?

You will most likely Kill your cat and it's against the law. Ony a very sick person would do such a thing.

Can a 40 caliber pellet gun kill a deer?

If you are talking about a PCP (PreCharged Pneumatic) rifle. With a .45 caliber pellet, then "Yes" It can. I don't believe there is a 40 Caliber pellet gun.

Can a pellet gun kill people?

Yes. Under the right circumstances.

Can a pellet gun kill a Canada goose?

It is possible, Yes, But it depends on the caliber, Weight of the pellet, the FPS of the gun. I suggest using a Pellet rifle not a pellet gun. I suggest a head shot using hollow point pellets. Also a license may be required to hunt the goose

Can you hunt squirrels with a pellet gun?

Depending on where you live and the local law. Yes a pellet gun will kill a squirrel. I suggest you use "Hollow point" hunting pellets.

Would a pellet gun kill a toad?

Yes or any small rodent.

Will a pellet gun kill a coyote?

Given the right set of circumstances, yes.