They brought slaves to America and from Africa because they wanted people to work on the plantations. they chose Africans because they believed that we were evil, only because every thing black in our culture is bad; goths (no offence), funerals, and such as. But everything white in our culture is good; weddings, angels, clouds, and such as.
Slaves were brought to the New World when the Triangle Trade came around. Africa sent slaves to America and England in return for the imports that Africa got from them.
There were no slaves in Jamestown in 1607. The first slave into the colonies was in 1619.
The triangle trade led to many people from Africa being taking as slaves reducing the working population in africa It brought guns and alcohol.
How indian slaves were brought to South africa?
the English
Slaves were brought to the New World when the Triangle Trade came around. Africa sent slaves to America and England in return for the imports that Africa got from them.
The Brittish brought it over when they were looking for slaves.
Africa and Europe
From Europe, they brought textiles, run and manufactured good to Africa. From Africa, they bought slaves or simply took people and made them slaves, and brought them to the Americas. From the Americas, the Europeans brought back the sugar, tobacco and cotton.
There actually were African slaves that were brought to Tonga by Germans though not so sure which part of Africa presumably Congo or south Africa from my knowledge pygmies were brought to Tonga.
The west coast of Africa.
west africa