you can get this song from u tube - nitesh
The song is called Paparazzi by Lady Gaga. It's on you tube
If you are looking for the lyrics to the song Shake That Laffy Taffy, then the best place to obtain them is from You Tube. You Tube offers thousands of songs videos including Shake That Laffy Taffy. On You Tube search for Shake That Laffy Taffy with lyrics.
it is supposed to be KABOOM, but I cna't find it any where but you tube
Band Aid - do they know its Christmas time/feed the world a Bob Geldof project you can find this song on you tube, Byron
Answers to why You-Tube stunt videos should not be banned
You tube is a rubbish dangerous website. i have complaines to you tube and you tube will be banned on the 24th November 2010 at 3.00 am thanks to me. ha ha!
Test Tube Babies - 1948 is rated/received certificates of: Finland:(Banned) (1950) Finland:(Banned) (1948) Sweden:15
You tube is a rubbish dangerous website. i have complaines to you tube and you tube will be banned on the 24th November 2010 at 3.00 am thanks to me. ha ha!
you tube or i tunes
Usually You Tube has a directory to the song
you can't
'Trash', by the whip.
yadah tube
on you tube
On You tube