Rihanna's song "Rude Boy" is about her telling a boy she wants it. She asks if he can get it up and if he is big enough.
Usually You Tube has a directory to the song
the song is Wake Up by Stop and u can see it on you tube
Rihanna sings those lyrics in the song "Rude Boy."
Roberta Flack - If ever I saw your face. (on you tube)
The duration of Rude Tube is 3600.0 seconds.
Rude Tube was created on 2008-02-16.
The cast of Rude Tube - 2008 includes: Matt Kirshen as himself
The cast of Rude Tube 2009 - 2009 includes: Alex Zane as himself
The cast of Rude Tube 2010 - 2010 includes: Alex Zane as himself
Rude Tube - 2009 Ultimate Champions was released on: USA: 5 October 2010
I made this song and animation. You can download through itunes or amazon, search for Koit or "Touching things is fun" from either provider.
The Whip 'Trash'
The Bodysnatchers
Rihanna's song "Rude Boy" is about her telling a boy she wants it. She asks if he can get it up and if he is big enough.
Rude dude. Bad lad. Lude dude.
The song is called 'Rude Boy.'