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i got mine done at twelve the piercer told me its bad because your torso is still growing and when your older it might not be in the same place and it may be on the side of your belly button. its best to wait till your maybe 15

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Q: Why should a 13 year old not be able to get there belly button pierecd?
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If you have a small belly button will it dictate whether or not I'll be able to get the piercing?

I have a small belly button and i got mine done and they didnt say anything so you should be ok :)

How fat do you have to be to get a belly button ring?

Well pretty much as long as you have enough skin to pierce, you should be able to get one. I don't see why you shouldn't be able to.

Do girls get belly button lint?

Everyone does or has at one time or another assuming they have a hairy stomach. Belly button lint (lintus-belly) occurs in hairy men and women. If a woman is prone to waxing her stomach, she will get lint because her belly button became a safe haven for the lint. A woman who never has to wax her belly is less likely to have her belly button become host to lint. If a girl has a deep belly button, she will find more lint in it if she digs in it. If a girl has a shallow belly button, she will find less lint in it, but will easily be able to see it since her belly button isn't deep.

What do you do if you're belly button ring is falling off because the skin has gotten too thin?

I personally think that you should take the belly button out, wait for it to heal, and then if you want to you can get it redone. Because if it tears the skin off, you wont be able to get it pierced again.

What is the biggest belly button?

Mr. Orlando has a measured 3 ft. wide and 7 ft. deep belly button. He has been known to be able to fit 37 twinkies and 23 foot long hot dogs in his belly button. three humans, 2 dogs. 7 birds , and 38 chimps have gotten lost in his belly button.

Should I get my nose or belly button pierced?

Your nose will be most painful as it's cartilage. You belly button will be virtually painless. I have both my nose and belly button pierced and the nose was the most painful of the two. It's not agonizingly painful though, only a little nip =). I hope this helped.

Where is a cats belly button?

cats indeed have belly buttons and its so clear that you find a belly button on a cats belly but they are hard to see because of there fur and because they are tiny they are even smaller then are belly buttons so they a hard to see.

Can you have a belly button piercing without ever wearing anything in your belly button?

Ahhh No. You need to have the piercing for a minimum of a year to be able to walk around with a pierced navel without having jewellery in it.

Do you have to take out a belly button piercing when going though security?

No. You should be able to clear security as long as you don't have a whole bunch of costume jewellery on. If they ask you can simply show them the jewellery and you should be fine.

Can you pierce your belly button with an earring?

No because you need to be able to get it out or else it will get infected and need to be surgically removed.

Will you stil be able to do gymnastics after getting your belly button pierced?

You can stay with the standard navel gem, bent barbell or PTFE barbell. All three should be comfortable enough for gymnastics.

Can you feel your stomach and tell if you're pregnant?

if your stomach is hardened After a couple months, you'll be able to feel a firmness at or below your belly button.