Because air molecules are very small and don't require a large hole
In very old guns the powder was ignited when a match was applied to a small hole which was drilled through the barrel into the chamber. This hole was called a touch hole.
Gravity Feed Guns: The design allows the BB to fall into the loading/firing chamber when the gun barrel is lowered. (One BB at a time) This is a simple design. When the Barrel is lowered gravity allows the BB to fall into place. C02 or an air chamber fires the BB when the trigger is pulled. Air Gun: The BB or Pellet is placed into the loading chamber either by hand or by a loading clip. Gravity doesn't play a role in loading the gun.. In both cases either Air or C02 fires the gun.
Multi pump air guns have an on-board air chamber that requires you to pump the forearm several times to fill the air chamber before you shoot. You can vary the power by the number of pumps.
A piston is the device inside the air chamber that compresses the air that is needed to propel the BB when it is fired. Every time you pull the trigger the piston forced air in the air chamber forward and the air fires the BB down the barrel.
Pull the small hole open with a small screw driver and you can clean it out from there
An airsoft repeater is an airsoft gun that you have to cock to get each round in the chamber.
They pump air into the chamber and compress it. Compressed air drives out the water. You must have room for air.
Several years ago Daisy made a POP gun that just shot air. Hence the name POP gun. It's no longer around. Spring driven BB guns and pellet rifles are designed to shoot a projectile. when the spring piston is released (After cocking) the spring compresses the air and fires the pellet / BB. Just before the pellet is fired the air in the chamber is compresses and actually slows down the piston and keeps it from slamming against the end of the chamber. Firing a bb gun without a bb / pellet in the loading chamber ( Dryfiring) will eventually ruin the BB gun. Firing a C02 gun without a bb will not damage it but C02 produces 800 PSI of pressure and if the barrel it put against the skin the air from the barrel will blow a hole in the skin. BB guns and air guns are not toys. I suggest getting a spring airsoft gun. One that fire around 150 to 200 FPS (Feet per second). These will do little damage and can be fired without a plastic BB.
The bullet jammed in the gun's chamber. Come into my chamber and sit down.
Do you mean 450 feet per second? Yes it can. Small rodents & birds. It would be like throwing a rock at the rodent. Now that's an Air Gun not an Air Soft gun.
Take a large, 1 qt, empty soda bottle. Drill a hole in the cap that will fit a small bore straw. One big enough to hold a BB. force the straw into the hole. put the BB into the straw. SMACK the bottle. the air will force the BB to fly out the straw.
the gun works like this: When you pull the trigger a small piston is drawn back. This allows a bb th be inserted into the chamber. As you cantinue to pull a small valve opens allowing co2 to be relesed