In very old guns the powder was ignited when a match was applied to a small hole which was drilled through the barrel into the chamber. This hole was called a touch hole.
I assume you mean a lanyard to fire cannon/ artillery pieces. To the best of my knowledge, firing lanyards came about after Napoleonic-style touchole cannons were replaced by more modern breach loading cannons. Lanyards remain in use to this day. The Royal Navy adopted lanyard systems much faster (as early as the Napoleonic Wars flintlock lanyard firing mechanisms were in use) the primary reason for this being lanyard systems presented less of a risk that the open flame needed for a touchole.
The matchlock improved the accuracy of handguns with a simple add-on. By attaching the burning end of the match to a trigger operated hook. The soldier could use the trigger to move the match inti contact with the touchole. Then, by holding the gun with both hands the aiming was vastly improved. It reamined slow work but as only one shot could be taken before another re-load, it was well that the aim on the first shot was true.
a rivet gun is a gun
A gun is a gun, there is no connotation.
a rivet gun is a gun
Pistol, Darringer, Belly gun, Palm gun, Purse gun Pocket gun.
The 12th gun you get in gun game is the HK21
artist, then song 50 Cent- My Gun Go Off Aerosmith- Janie's Got a Gun Audioslave- Sound of a Gun Ayria- The Gun Song Beastie Boys- Looking Down the Barrel of a Gun Billy Idol- Don't Need a Gun Brand New- Okay I Believe You, But My Tommy Gun Don't Chris Rock- Gun Control Chuck Berry- Gun Elton John- Ballad of a Well-Known Gun Elton John- I Feel Like a Bullet (In the Gun of Robert Ford Elton John- My Father's Gun George Carlin- Gun Enthusiasts Green Day- 21 Guns Ice Cube- Bop Gun JA Rule- Gun Talk Jet- Lazy Gun Judy Garland- You Can't Get a Man with a Gun KISS- Love Gun Lamb of God- One Gun Limp Bizkit- Underneath the Gun Lou Reed- The Gun M.I.A.- Bucky Done Gun Mick Jagger- Gun Miranda Lambert- Time to Get a Gun Nine Inch Nails- Big Man with a Gun Nirvana- Son of a Gun Seether- 6 Gun Quota Slightly Stoopid- Runnin' With a Gun Steely Dan- With a Gun The Blues Brothers- Shot Gun Blues The Clash- Tommy Gun The Killers- Under the Gun The La's- Son of a Gun White Rabbits- Percussion Gun
They are both.
A gun shop. A gun show. A private seller.
It's Obviously not a real gun. It's a future warfare gun.
Gun Gun has written: 'Bali dalam kartun, 1987-1997'