The first guns were cannon- they were rather short, and looked like a barrel- a hollow container, round and long.
The diameter
Yes, it is called "spiking", although it is likely to cause the barrel to explode if the gun (or artillery piece) is fired. YOU CANNOT PREVENT A GUN GOING OFF, BY INSERTING YOUR FINGER INTO THE BARREL
Looking for someone with history of a single barrel shot gun with wells Fargo & co on barrel and four notches also on gun like to know if its from the stage coach era as the shot gun is called coach
the barrel is the long part that the bulliet comes out
It's called the Muzzle
On the INSIDE of the barrel, they are called grooves. Together with the ungrooved areas, called lands, they make up rifling. On the OUTSIDE of the barrel, they are called flutes. These are cuts made in the barrel to make it lighter.
Oxidation of the steel of a gun barrel.
The barrel has deep grooves milled into the outside of the barrel. Called flutes, the grooves reduce the weight of the barrel, yet leave it a stiff barrel with very good accuracy.
Flower in the Gun Barrel was created in 2008.
The gun barrel is the metal part that the bullet comes out of.